Hat Wolff von Amerongen Konkursdelikte begangen?
Did Wolff von Amerongen Commit Bankruptcy Offenses?
Stringently constructed in long shots, the film recounts a somewhat different economic history of Germany. Shots are seen of anonymous places of work, of everyday life and of invisible capital: factories, dockyards, streets, public squares in unnamed cities. The accompanying soundtrack contains a chronique scandaleuse, an account of the economic, personal and criminal inter-twinements of high finance. Picture and sound only rarely meet; Friedl usually leaves the material to the audience for free association, to choose from and build their own narration. The film centers around a question: How can business criminality be depicted and how can history/stories be constructed? (Barbara Pichler, www.nachdemfilm.de)
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2005
Gerhard Benedikt Friedl
Germany / Austria 2004
73 minutes
German version
Screenplay Gerhard Benedikt Friedl
Cinematography Gerhard Benedikt Friedl
Editing Gerhard Benedikt Friedl
Gerhard Benedikt Friedl gerhard.friedl@extern.lrz-muenchen.de