Patrik Huber - Living Dead Clown

A portrait of the 40-year-old artist and enfant terrible of the stage from Linz from 2007 to 2013. Patrik Huber’s sometimes hardly bearable ultra-grotesque humor appeals to fans of the absurd. It rarely reaches a broader audience. And the madness reflected in the artist’s private life, culminating in a curious car accident, nearly costs the “Living Dead Clown” his life.

Director's Biography
GERALD HARRINGER, geb. 1962 in Linz, studierte an der Kunstuniversität Linz und am Central Saint Martins College London. Mitbegründer von „Die Fabrikanten“. // Filme (Auswahl): MA (2003, Short; CE ´04, Kurzfilmpreis bei der Diagonale ´04), TRIVIAL EUROPE (2007, Dok; CE '08), Der Antilopenkuss (2010, Dok; CE '11), PATRIK HUBER – LIVING DEAD CLOWN (2012)
Local Artists 2013
Gerald Harringer
Austria 2013
27 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Gerald Harringer
Cinematography Gerald Harringer, Michael Rusam
Editing Gerald Harringer
Music "Camino Abierto" by Carlos Vargas, "Addicted" by Madame Humtata; Christine Hinterkörner, Theo Helm, Michael Hornek; The Living Dead Clowns
With Patrik Huber, Oliver Vollmann. Edith Lettner, Christine Hinterkörner, Theo Helm, Christian Gratt, Wolfgang Gratt, Paul Hoffmann, Manuel Mitterhuber
Gerald Harringer