Gemeinsam mit seiner Mutter Zana, die den Kosovo während des Balkankrieges verlassen hat, lebt der Teenager Alban in Amsterdam. Er ist zugleich ein Träumer und ein Unruhestifter, der oft in Schlägereien gerät. Erst als ihm Zana einen Job in einem Fahrradladen besorgt, kommt er zur Ruhe, vor allem wegen Ana, die dort auch arbeitet und mit der er bald ausgeht. Doch obwohl sich Ana und Alban, sie serbischer Abstammung, seine Mutter Kosovarin, sich als Niederländer fühlen, holt die Vergangenheit des Krieges die Teenager ein. T'padashtun ist das Spielfilmdebüt des Schauspielers Edon Rizvanolli.
Teenager Alban lives in Amsterdam with his mother Zana, who had left Kosovo during the war in the Balkans in the 1990s. After starting employment in a bike shop, Alban meets a sensitive young woman called Ana. Initially affectionate and aware of their somewhat opposing backgrounds, still neither of them foresees that scars surfacing from the generation before them. An excellent first feature from Rizvanolli lingers in the mind afterwards, not just because it is an all-too-uncomfortable reminder of what took place in the Kosovo in the 90s, but also because the direction of a complex story is unfolded with clarity and maturity. (Stephen Yates, el Hype)
Director's Biography
Edon Rizvanolli
Born in Pristina (Kosovo), Edon started his acting career in 1992 in Austria. After studying method acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in NYC, he directed his first short film “Blown away” in 1998, followed by the documentary “Shuffle – politics, bullshit and rock'n'roll” about the alternative music scene in Pristina. Since 2007 he has been living in Amsterdam as an actor, director and editor.
Film Selection: T’padashtun (Unwanted, 2017) — Shuffle – politics, bullshit and rock'n'roll (2006, doc; CE’06) — Blown away (1998, short)
Born in Pristina (Kosovo), Edon started his acting career in 1992 in Austria. After studying method acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in NYC, he directed his first short film “Blown away” in 1998, followed by the documentary “Shuffle – politics, bullshit and rock'n'roll” about the alternative music scene in Pristina. Since 2007 he has been living in Amsterdam as an actor, director and editor.
Film Selection: T’padashtun (Unwanted, 2017) — Shuffle – politics, bullshit and rock'n'roll (2006, doc; CE’06) — Blown away (1998, short)
European Panorama Fiction 2018
Edon Rizvanolli
Kosovo / Niederlande 2017
85 Minuten
Niederländisch / Albanisch / Englisch OmeU
Drehbuch Edon Rizvanolli
Kamera Danny Noordanus
Schnitt Edon Rizvanolli
Ton/Sounddesign Pellumb Ballata, Ranko Paukovic
Mit Adriana Matoshi, Jason de Ridder, Niki Verkaar
Produzent*innen Edon Rizvanolli, René Goossens, Annemiek von Garp
Asfaltfilms, 1244 Productions
Weltpremiere / World PremiereKarlovy Vary International Film Festival 2017
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere