TV Series: 1997–2003

Casualty: Love's Labour / Eastenders: Dot's Story

Die am längsten laufende Krankenhausserie der Welt, CASUALTY, ist seit Beginn der ersten Staffel 1986 eine der beliebtesten BBC-Sendungen überhaupt: Über 900 Episoden zu je 50 Minuten wurden bisher gezeigt. LOVE'S LABOUR erzählt von einem wieder einmal hektischen Zeitraum für die MitarbeiterInnen und Patientinnen im allgemeinen Krankenhaus der Stadt Holby City, einer fiktiven britischen Großstadt, deren Bevölkerung eine fast unheimliche, doch unterhaltsame Neigung zu katastrophalen Unfällen hat. Hoggs Beitrag für EASTENDERS, einer in London spielenden Seifenoper und Paradesendung der BBC, war wiederum ein einmaliges Special: DOT'S STORY bildet eine aufschlussreiche „Brücke“ zwischen den zwei Hauptphasen in Hoggs Karriere. Die Geschichte folgt der beliebten alten Klatschtante Dot (June Brown) als sie das walisische Dorf wieder besucht, wo sie im Zweiten Weltkrieg hin evakuiert wurde. Mit ihrem ausgefeilten Einsatz von Rückblenden stellt diese Arbeit in gewissem Sinne die formal experimentierfreudigste von Hoggs Fernseharbeiten dar. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine zutiefst rührende Darstellung durch Brown, deren Dot Cotton (bzw. Dot Branning) inzwischen als eine der großartigsten und beliebtesten Figuren der der britischen Fernsehgeschichte gilt. (Neil Young)

The world’s longest-running emergency-medical drama serial, CASUALTY has been a hugely popular part of the BBC's broadcasting schedules since it first appeared in 1986: more than 900 fifty-minute episodes have been aired so far. LOVE'S LABOUR chronicles yet another hectic period for the staff and patients at the main hospital of Holby City, a fictional British metropolis whose residents seem eerily – and entertainingly – prone to calamitous mishaps. Hogg's contribution to EASTENDERS, the BBC’s flagship, London-set soap-opera, was by contrast a one-off special: DOT'S STORY provides an illuminating “bridge” between the two major phases of Hogg’s career, following much-loved elderly gossip Dot (June Brown) as she revisits the Welsh village to which she'd been evacuated during World War II. Making elaborate use of flashbacks, this is by some way the most formally adventurous of Hogg’s television works – with, at its core, a truly moving performance by Brown, whose Dot Cotton (a.k.a. Dot Branning) is now widely acknowledged as one of the greatest and most beloved characters in UK small-screen history. (Neil Young)

Director's Biography
Born in London in 1960, Joanna Hogg resides and works in the United Kingdom’s capital. She studied at the National Film & Television School in Buckinghamshire, where her graduation film, CAPRICE (1986), starred “Matilda” (a.k.a. Tilda) Swinton in a very early screen appearance for the future Oscar-winner. Hogg also worked in photography, experimental film and music video, and her television work in the 1990s included episodes of the popular series LONDON'S BURNING, CASUALTY and LONDON BRIDGE, plus the stand-alone EASTENDERS special DOT'S STORY (2003). In 2007, her debut feature UNRELATED (2007), set in Tuscany and featuring Tom Hiddleston in his big-screen debut, premiered at the London Film Festival, winning the international critics' FIPRESCI award. Her 2010 follow-up ARCHIPELAGO, set on the Scilly Isles off the Cornish coast, received three nominations - Best Film, Best Screenplay and Best Actor (Hiddleston) – at the Evening Standard British Film Awards. In 2013, her third film EXHIBITION (2013) competed for the Golden Leopard at Locarno, and her work was showcased in the Emerging Artist sidebar of the 51st New York Film Festival.
Tribute 2014
Joanna Hogg
Großbritannien 1997-2003
110 Minuten