
Auch wenn die Abfallberge realiter nicht mehr unter Kontrolle zu kriegen sind, gilt es, wie AFTERLIVES erfinderisch darlegt, mental-imaginär einen Neuanfang zu setzen. (Christian Höller, sixpackfilm)

Even if the mountains of waste can no longer be brought under control in reality, it is crucial, as AFTERLIVES shrewdly explains, to make a new start on the mental and imaginative level. (Christian Höller, sixpackfilm)

Director's Biography
Michael Heindl (*1988, Linz) lives and works as a visual artist and filmmaker in Vienna. His primary focus is on the possibilities of art in public space.
Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Afterlives (2022) - Heavens Devils Afternoons (2021; CE'22) - All Now, All Free! (2020; CE'21) - Stones (2019; CE'20) - Hard-headed Harmony (2019; CE'20) - Budget Rebellion (A Clandestine Workers Tale) (2017; CE'18) - Theory of Colours (2017; CE'18)
Local Artists 2023
Michael Heindl
Österreich / Tansania, Vereinigte Republik 2022
3 Minuten
ohne Dialog
Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival 2022