Lastborn - INTRA
Der Kampf um die Befreiung aus der toxischen Mutterliebe wird durch eine intensive Choreografie und psychedelische, mit analogen Mitteln erstellte VFX umgesetzt.
The struggle to break free from toxic maternal love is translated into an intense choreography and psychedelic VFX that were created with analog tools.
Director's Biography
Manuela Gruber has gathered 15 years of experience at making music videos with different crews. She studied at the University of Art and Design Linz and worked as an art mediator and exhibition developer for 13 years. Since 2021 she has been creating multimedia-projects for Ars Electronica. Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Lastborn – INTRA (2023) - Thirst – Matt Boroff feat. Mark Lanegan (2016, Settle) - Kryptonite – Thorstein Einarsson (2016, Settle) - The Morning Factory – Ritornell (2013, Gruber, co-directed with Katharina Riedler, Andreea Săsăran; CE'13) - Fairy Floss – Abby Lee Tee (2012, co-directed with Katharina Riedler, Andreea Săsăran)
Lastborn – INTRA (2023) - Thirst – Matt Boroff feat. Mark Lanegan (2016, Settle) - Kryptonite – Thorstein Einarsson (2016, Settle) - The Morning Factory – Ritornell (2013, Gruber, co-directed with Katharina Riedler, Andreea Săsăran; CE'13) - Fairy Floss – Abby Lee Tee (2012, co-directed with Katharina Riedler, Andreea Săsăran)
Local Artists 2023
Manuela Gruber, Austin Settle
Österreich 2022
5 Minuten
MuVi Drehbuch Manuela Gruber
Kamera Manuel Bauer
Schnitt Austin Settle
Mit Bianca Ortner, Hannes Pröstler, Lukas Aichinger
Produzent*innen INTRA, Manuela Gruber
Weitere Credits
Gaffer: Thomas Schwarz