TOM & TOM kreist um eine nichtsprachliche Begegnung, weigert sich jedoch mit der für den Filmemacher so typischen Lust am Uneindeutigen, den Vorhang ganz aufzuziehen. (D. Kamalzadeh, sixpackfilm)

TOM & TOM revolves around a non-linguistic encounter, but with the filmmaker’s typical delight in the ambiguous, he refuses to open the curtain completely. (D. Kamalzadeh, sixpackfilm)

Director's Biography
Dietmar Brehm (*1947) is a major protagonist of the Austrian experimental and art scene and professor emeritus at the University of Art and Design Linz. A special dedicated to the works of Dietmar Brehm was part of CROSSING EUROPE 2008, and two mulitfaceted short film programs celebrated his work in 2022, on the occasion of the avant-garde filmmaker's 75th birthday.
Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
TOM & TOM (2023) - Hylo-Vision-Plus - Version 1 (2022; CE’22) - 2 Punkte Programm (2 Point Program, 2020; CE’21&22) - 33 Punkte Programm (2019; CE'20) - Inside. The Colour Version (2017; CE'17&22) - Hallo Mabuse (2016; CE’17&22) - Tokyo, 1. Version (2013; CE'13&22) - Coke (2013; CE’13&22) - Praxis-12/13 (2011/2013; CE’13) - Berlin, 1984 (2011; CE'13&22) - Instax, Camera Girls (2009; CE’09) - Praxis 1-3 (2008; CE'08) - Halcion (2007; CE’08&22) - 12:00 (2004; CE'08) - Fliege (2008; CE'08 festival trailer) - Filmhimmel (2004; CE'05) - Blitze (Bolts of Lightning, 2000; CE’22) - The Murder Mystery (1992; CE’22) - Interview ohne Ton (Interview Without Sound, 1976; CE’22)
Local Artists 2023
Dietmar Brehm
Österreich 2022
9 Minuten
ohne Dialog
Kamera Dietmar Brehm
TMM Production
Sixpack Film
Weitere Credits
Videotechnik: Roland Freinschlag
Crossing Europe 2023