Six Million and One
Nach dem Tod von David Fishers Vater findet der Filmemacher dessen Memoiren, welche von der grausamen Zeit erzählen, die Joseph Fisher im Zweiten Weltkrieg miterlebt hat. 2010 beschließt der Regisseur mit seiner Schwester und zwei seiner Brüder von Israel nach Österreich zu reisen, um die Schauplätze von damals zu besuchen. Sie kommen nach Gusen, wo ihr Vater in einem Außenlager des KZ Mauthausen inhaftiert war. Konfrontiert mit ihrer eigenen Geschichte und der ihrer Familie, begegnen sich die Geschwister lachend und weinend in einer skurilen, intimen Situation in den Katakomben des Lagers.
Joseph Fisher‘s memoir was discovered only after his death. His children refused to confront it, except for David, the filmmaker, for whom it became a compass for a long journey. When he found it unbearable to be alone in the wake of his father‘s survival story and his struggle not to lose his sanity, David convinced his brothers and sister to join him in the hope that this would also contribute to releasing tensions and making them as close as they used to be. In the dark depths of the tunnels, part of an Austrian concentration camp, where their father had slaved during the Holocaust, illuminated only by flashlights, the Fishers seek meaning in their personal and family histories. As their deepest pains are exposed, they find themselves crying and laughing, in bittersweet scenes that give this personal film a rare sense of intimacy.
Director's Biography
DAVID FISHER, born 1956 in Israel. Love Inventory was Fisher’s first autobiographical film which won the Best Documentary Award at the Jerusalem Film Festival in 2000 and had its international premiere at the Berlinale 2001. Six Million and One - the final, third part of David Fisher’s family trilogy - had its world premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2011. // Films (Selected): KAVRU O.O. V‘HU CHAN (Buried Alive, 1996), ACHAT K’TANAH ACHAT G’DOLAH (Little Big Sister, 1998), Love Inventory (2000), MOSTAR ROUND-TRIP (2011; CE 2012), SIX MILLION AND ONE (2011)
European Panorama Documentary · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2012
David Fisher
Israel / Deutschland / Österreich 2011
93 Minuten
OmeU / OmdU
Drehbuch David Fisher
Kamera Ronen Mayo, Claudio Steinberg, Ronen Schechner
Schnitt Hadas Ayalon
Ton/Sounddesign Amos Zipori, Frank Kubitsky, Gil Toren
Musik Ran Bagno
Mit The Fisher Family
Fisher Features Ltd 7 Petachya Street 69549 Tel Aviv Israel T +972 3 64 93 574 F +972 3 64 84 787