KUMA handelt von der Freundschaft zwischen zwei Frauen einer türkischen Familie in Wien: Fatma, um die fünfzig, Ehefrau und Mutter von sechs Kindern, die in Wien lebt, aber aus Anatolien stammt, und die in Traditionen und Wertvorstellungen der Heimat verhaftet ist. Und Ayse, 19, mit deren Hochzeit in Anatolien der Film beginnt. Diese Freundschaft wird auf die Probe gestellt, als ein Schicksalsschlag Ayse mehr von der Welt um sie herum entdecken lässt. Bei der Berlinale 2012 feierte der Film seine Weltpremiere.
KUMA is a film about the friendship between two women in a Turkish family in Vienna: Fatma, a mother with principles, who values her family above all else, and Ayse, a girl from rural Turkey who becomes the newest member of the family. This friendship is put to the test when fate forces Ayse to learn more about the world around her. The film premiered at Berlinale 2012.
Director's Biography
Umut Dag, born 1982, grew up as the eldest child of a Kurdish immigrant family in Vienna. After attending Vienna Business School, he studied International Development, Religious Studies and Education. With time he concentrated more on his short films and eventually worked simultaneously in the Austrian advertising and movie landscape, where he cooperated at Productions such as Die Fälscher (The Counterfeiters, 2007, by Stefan Ruzowitzky). Since 2006, he is studying directing at the Vienna Film Academy with Peter Patzak and Michael Haneke. // Films (Selected): TODESNACHRICHTEN (2008, short), AUS EIGENER KRAFT (2009, doc), PAPA (2011, short), KUMA (2012)
Austrian Screenings 2012
Umut Dağ
Österreich / Türkei 2012
93 Minuten
Drehbuch Petra Ladinigg
Kamera Carsten Thiele
Schnitt Claudia Linzer
Ton/Sounddesign Sergey Martynyuk
Mit Nihal Koldas, Begüm Akkaya, Vedat Erincin, Murathan Muslu, Alev Irmak
Wega-Filmproduktion, www.wega-film.at