To Agori Troi To Fagito Tou Pouliou
Boy Eating the Bird's Food
Yorgos ist 23. Er steht am Rande der Gesellschaft, hat keine Arbeit und kein Geld. Was er hat ist seine einzigartige Stimme und sein Haustier, ein Kanarienvogel, mit dem er sich eine heruntergekommene Wohnung in Athen teilt. Regisseur Ektoras Lygizos lässt uns drei Tage lang am Leben seines Protagonisten teilhaben. Wir erleben den ergriffenen Blick einer Kirchenbesucherin, als Yorgos zu singen beginnt, und sehen, wie sich der junge Mann sogar das Vogelfutter mit seinem Haustier teilt, nur um seinen Hunger etwas zu stillen. Als er einer Frau in einem Hotel begegnet, stellt sich plötzlich die Frage, ob sie Yorgos' Rettung sein kann.
The film tells the story of 23-year-old Yorgos living in contemporary Athens. He has a beautiful singing voice but no job, no money and nothing to eat. To slightly stave off his hunger, he shares the seeds with his only attachment figure, a canary. Yorgos has to struggle against all odds, but mostly against his own foolish pride that prevents him from asking for help. Ektoras Lygizos lets the audience witness three days in the life of his protagonist – from alienation, hunger and psychosis to the universal story about unemployment – and shows an unadorned snapshot of a land in transition.
Director's Biography
EKTORAS LYGIZOS, born 1976 in Athens, studied Greek Literature and Film Directing. Until now he has primarily worked in theater, directing productions of plays by Samuel Beckett, Henrik Ibsen and Anton Chekhov. His short film AGNA NIATA (Pure Youth, 2004) competed at Venice Film Festival in the Corto Cortissimo section. TO AGORI TROI TO FAGITO TOU POULIOU (Boy Eating the Bird's Food, 2012), his first feature film, won a Special Mention at Karlovy Vary Film Festival and the AQCC Award for Best Feature in the International Selection at Montreal Festival du nouveau cinéma.
2013: CROSSING EUROPE Award - Best Fiction Film
Competition Fiction 2013
Ektoras Lygizos
Griechenland 2012
80 Minuten
Drehbuch Ektoras Lygizos
Kamera Dimitris Kassimatis
Schnitt Gregory Rentis
Ton/Sounddesign Dimitris Kanellopoulos
Mit Yannis Papadopoulos, Lila Baklesi, Kleopatra Perraki, Vangelis Kommatas, Kharalambos Goyos
Stefi Productions 24 Amyklon str 15231 Halandri Greece T +30 210 6386200 F +30 210 6108918