Family Tour
Nach mehreren Jahren im Ausland kehrt Lili für einen Monat in die Heimat zurück. Wie dieser Monat auszusehen hat weiß ihre Mutter ganz genau: Die gesamte Familie muss besucht werden – ob Lili möchte oder nicht. Diese „Familientour“ durch die ganze Verwandtschaft – angefangen bei den Großeltern bis hin zu Tanten und Cousinen – ist für die junge Frau eine Reise zurück in ihre Kindheit und zugleich eine Konfrontation mit vergessenen Ängsten. Lili bemerkt, wie Ereignisse aus der Vergangenheit ihre Gegenwart beeinflussen, und die Sehnsucht nach dem Moment der Abreise Tag für Tag größer wird.
After several years spent living abroad Lili returns home. Her mother Antonia makes her promise she will spend the next month renewing family ties. This family tour is filled with unexpected meetings. Lili revisits her childhood and confronts her old fears. She sees her present frustrations and limitations which she has inherited. She realizes that childhood events are still echoing in her adult life. Seemingly innocent relationships become a true catharsis for Lili. The director brought her whole family to the set, to play themselves. The only professional actress was Nuria Gago, who replaced Torres in the part of the protagonist, Lili.
Director's Biography
Liliana Torres, born 1980 in Vic, Spain. She studied cinema at the Catalonia Cinema Studies Centre in Barcelona and at the Santa Monica Art Centre, moving to Mexico City afterwards to study documentary filmmaking. Torres has directed and produced several documentaries and has also worked as a writer and producer. FAMILY TOUR marks her feature directorial debut and was screened at the 61st San Sebastian Film Festival in 2013. // Films: ANTEAYER (2005, short), QUINCE AÑOS (2012, short), FAMILY TOUR (2013)
2014: CROSSING EUROPE Award - Best Fiction Film
Competition Fiction 2014
Liliana Torres
Spanien 2013
99 Minuten
Drehbuch Liliana Torres
Kamera Gris Jordana
Schnitt Aina Calleja
Ton/Sounddesign Agost Alustiza
Musik Joana Serrat
Mit Nuria Gago, Antonia Expósito, Noemí Torres, Manuel Torres, Anabel Molina, Joana Serrat
Escándalo Films C. dels Salvador, 04 08001 Barcelona Spain T +34 933 248 880