Dell'arte Della Guerra
On The Art of War
Im Mai 2008 erhalten die 50 Arbeiter eines Montagewerks für Schwermechanik in Mailand unverhofft die Nachricht, dass sie von heute auf morgen ihre Arbeit verlieren werden – die Produktion werde ab sofort eingestellt. Luca Bellino und Silvia Luzi machen in DELL’ARTE DELLA GUERRA den darauf folgenden Kampf der Belegschaft um ihre Beschäftigung nachvollziehbar. Nach einer Betriebsbesetzung, der Fortsetzung der Produktion in Eigenregie und einem unbefristeten Streik, kommt es im August 2009 schließlich zur Eskalation: Die Polizei versucht mit einem Großaufgebot den Streik zu brechen, woraufhin eine Handvoll Arbeiter einen Industriekran auf dem Gelände kapern.
Milan, August 2009. Four workers climb a 20 meters high gantry crane inside the hangar of the “INNSE”, the last active factory in Milan. They threaten to throw themselves down to stop the dismantling of the machineries and the closure of the factory they work in. The hangar is surrounded by dozens of policemen and supporters from all over Italy and Europe. The four workers resist for 8 days at 40° in only a few square meters. They resist because they have a clear strategy and an organized army. They know perfectly their territory and their enemy. It is not a simple struggle: there are clear rules, it is a workable paradigm for all forms of struggle.
Director's Biography
Luca Bellino is director and teacher of documentary cinema at the University Roma III specialized in documentaries about migration.
Silvia Luzi is a journalist and reporter specialized in international affairs, working for important Italian newspapers.
Together they produced and directed in 2008 the documentary LA MINACCIA (The Threat) about Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution. It received several awards. DELL’ARTE DELLA GUERRA (On the Art of War, 2013, doc) competed at Rome FF 2013.
Silvia Luzi is a journalist and reporter specialized in international affairs, working for important Italian newspapers.
Together they produced and directed in 2008 the documentary LA MINACCIA (The Threat) about Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution. It received several awards. DELL’ARTE DELLA GUERRA (On the Art of War, 2013, doc) competed at Rome FF 2013.
2014: CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award – Best Documentary
European Panorama Documentary 2014
Luca Bellino, Silvia Luzi
Italien / USA 2012
85 Minuten
Drehbuch Luca Bellino, Silvia Luzi
Kamera Giorgio Carella, Vania Tegamelli
Schnitt Luca Bellino
Ton/Sounddesign Paolo Benvenuti, Stefano Grosso, Marzia Cord
Musik Nicolò Mulas
Mit Vincenzo Acerenza, Fabio Bottaferla, Luigi Esposito, Massimo Merlo, and INNSE Milan workers and supporters
KINO Produzioni Via Boezio, 92 Rome 00193 Italy T +39 06 97 626 706 F +39 06 93 387 598