

Dana kommt nach Bukarest zurück und beschließt, nicht nach Hause zu fahren. Sie bezahlt den Taxifahrer für die ganze Nacht. Zur selben Zeit geht Andrei zum Sport und hat danach Sex mit einem Mann. Am nächsten Morgen treffen sich Dana und Andrei im Ehebett und verbringen den Tag zusammen. Es könnte ihr letzter gemeinsamer sein. Eine Beziehungsgeschichte in drei Kapiteln und 24 Stunden, keine psychologische Annäherung, vielmehr das Einfangen von Stimmungen: Was ist geschehen? Weshalb können die beiden trotz der Nähe und Zärtlichkeit, die sie füreinander empfinden, einander keinen Halt mehr geben? (Berlinale)

“The trick is to keep breathing,” says Dana as she takes a drag off the first cigarette she’s had in years. It feels somewhat inevitable, as they are constantly offered to her by the Bucharest taxi driver whom she has engaged for the whole night. Smoking is one of the things you do on a stakeout, and how else would you describe hanging out outside your own apartment building, looking up at its darkened windows? Marius Olteanu’s Monsters. is a remarkable debut - wise, compassionate, surprising - about a couple staking out their own slowly imploding marriage like it’s a partially dismantled apartment with no one home. (Jessica Kiang, Variety)

Director's Biography
Marius Olteanu
Marius Olteanu was born in Bucharest in 1979. He graduated from the Film Directing Department of the National University of Theater and Film “I.L. Caragiale”, Romania. He received an MA in film directing from the National Film and Television School, United Kingdom. Marius Olteanu is also a published photographer. Following four short films, “Monsters.“ is Olteanu’s first feature-length film.

Film Selection: Monștri. (Monsters., 2019) - No Man’s Land (2017, short) - Tie (2015, short) - Why Don't You Dance? (2008, short) - Sunday Afternoon (2007, short)
Competition Fiction 2019
Marius Olteanu
Rumänien 2019
116 Minuten
Drehbuch Marius Olteanu
Kamera Luchian Ciobanu
Schnitt Ioachim Stroe
Ton/Sounddesign Mihnea Bogos
Mit Judith State, Cristian Popa, Alexandru Potocean, Șerban Pavlu, Dorina Lazăr, Gabriel Răuță, Alina Berzunțeanu, Alina Tarbă, Rolando Matsangos, Rodica Lazăr
Produzent*innen Claudiu Mitcu, Robert Fița, Ioachim Stroe, Marius Olteanu
Parada Film, Wearebasca
Alpha Violet
Berlinale 2019
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Berlinale 2019

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere