Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit
Heimat Is a Space in Time
Was bleibt? Biografien hinterlassen Spuren. Die Zeitläufte auch. Wie sich das eine zum anderen verhält, untersucht Thomas Heise in Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit. Anhand von Dokumenten aus seinem Archiv – Briefe, Fotografien, Schulaufsätze, Tagebucheinträge – zeichnet er die Geschichte seiner Familie über vier Generationen zwischen Wien, Dresden und (Ost-)Berlin nach. Hinzu kommen aktuelle schwarzweiße Aufnahmen der in den Korrespondenzen erwähnten Orte und Landschaften. Anhand von Fragmenten aus einem Speicher persönlicher Erfahrungen erzählt Heise nicht weniger als die Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert. (Birgit Kohler, Berlinale)
A school essay on war, images of a torn-up highway, love letters, labour camps, children’s drawings and photographs all come together in Thomas Heise’s Heimat Is a Space in Time. The documentary carefully pieces together the story of three generations of the filmmaker’s family – a story that mirrors over 100 years of German history, starting before World War I, continuing through the Nazi era, depicting life in East Germany and almost taking us into present day. Heimat Is a Space in Time avoids presenting history as a well-rounded story, instead inviting its viewers to reflect on what led from one event to the other. (Ioana Florescu, Cineuropa)
Director's Biography
Thomas Heise
Thomas Heise was born in Berlin, East Germany, in 1955. Since 1983, he has been working as a freelance writer and director in theatre, audio drama and documentary. Since 2013, he has been professor for film and media at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna. Since 2018 he is the director of the Film and Media Arts Section at the Academy of Arts Berlin-Brandenburg. "Heimat is a Space in Time" won the Caligari Film Prize at Berlinale 2019.
Film Selection: Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit (Heimat is a Space in Time, 2019, doc) - Die Lage (Condition, 2012, doc, CE'12) - Sonnensystem (Solar System, 2011, doc) - Im Glück (Neger) (2006, doc, CE'06) - Stau - Jetzt geht's los (1992, doc, CE'08) - Wozu denn über diese Leute einen Film (Why A Film About These People, 1980, doc, CE'06)
Thomas Heise was born in Berlin, East Germany, in 1955. Since 1983, he has been working as a freelance writer and director in theatre, audio drama and documentary. Since 2013, he has been professor for film and media at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna. Since 2018 he is the director of the Film and Media Arts Section at the Academy of Arts Berlin-Brandenburg. "Heimat is a Space in Time" won the Caligari Film Prize at Berlinale 2019.
Film Selection: Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit (Heimat is a Space in Time, 2019, doc) - Die Lage (Condition, 2012, doc, CE'12) - Sonnensystem (Solar System, 2011, doc) - Im Glück (Neger) (2006, doc, CE'06) - Stau - Jetzt geht's los (1992, doc, CE'08) - Wozu denn über diese Leute einen Film (Why A Film About These People, 1980, doc, CE'06)
2019: CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award – Best Documentary
Competition Documentary 2019
Thomas Heise
Deutschland / Österreich 2019
black and white
218 Minuten
Deutsch OmeU
Drehbuch Thomas Heise
Kamera Stefan Neuberger
Schnitt Chris Wright
Ton/Sounddesign Johannes Schmelzer-Ziringer
Produzent*innen Heino Deckert, Johannes Rosenberger, Constantin Wulff, Johannes Holzhausen
Ma.ja.de., Navigator Film
Deckert Distribution
Verleih in Österreich
Berlinale 2019
Austrian RightsFilmgarten
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Berlinale 2019
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere
CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award - Best Documentary € 5.000,-
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