Lissa ammetsajjel
Still Recording
Saeed ist ein junger Filmliebhaber, der im syrischen Ost-Ghuta anderen das Filmemachen lehrt. Sein Freund Milad lebt unter Assads Regime, er studiert in Damaskus Kunst. 2011 entscheidet Milad, sich Saeed und der Revolution in Duma anzuschließen. Dort überschlagen sich die Ereignisse: Die jungen Einwohner werden vom revolutionären Eifer ergriffen, doch bald kehrt der Krieg in die Stadt zurück. Über vier Jahre dokumentieren Saeed und Milad mit ihrer Kamera, von der Euphorie des arabischen Frühlings bis zur Verzweiflung während des Krieges: ein Blick auf die Realität der Belagerung, aber auch auf die Sehnsucht nach Kunst und Freiheit. (Lux Film Fest)
Saeed is a young cinema passionate trying to teach other young people in Eastern Ghouta, in Syria, the rules of filming, but the reality they face is too harsh to respect any rule. His friend Milad is on the other side of the fence, in Damascus, under the control of the regime, finishing his studies in Fine Arts. At one point, Milad decides to leave the capital and joins Saeed in besieged Douma where they set up a local radio station and a recording studio. They hold the camera to film everything until one day it is the camera that films them … (festivalscope)
Director's Biography
Saeed Al Batal and Ghiath Ayoub
Born in 1988 in Tartus, Syria, Saeed Al Batal is a journalist, photographer and filmmaker. He is one of the founders of an online gallery titled “Sam Lenses” and the Humans of Syria project. Ghiath Ayoub is a filmmaker and visual artist born in Yabrud, Syria, in 1989. In 2013, he graduated from the faculty of Fine Art at the University of Damascus, and now works as a videographer and sound recordist.
Film Selection: Lissa ammetsajjel (Still Recording, 2018, doc)
Born in 1988 in Tartus, Syria, Saeed Al Batal is a journalist, photographer and filmmaker. He is one of the founders of an online gallery titled “Sam Lenses” and the Humans of Syria project. Ghiath Ayoub is a filmmaker and visual artist born in Yabrud, Syria, in 1989. In 2013, he graduated from the faculty of Fine Art at the University of Damascus, and now works as a videographer and sound recordist.
Film Selection: Lissa ammetsajjel (Still Recording, 2018, doc)
European Panorama Documentary 2019
Saeed Al Batal, Ghiath Ayoub
Syrien / Libanon / Frankreich / Deutschland / Katar 2018
120 Minuten
Arabisch OmeU
Drehbuch Saeed Al Batal, Ghiath Ayoub
Kamera Abed Al Rahman, Saeed Al Batal, Rafat Bearam, Ghith Beram, Milad Amin, Ghiath Ayoub, Tim Siofi
Schnitt Qutaiba Barhamji, Raya Yamisha
Ton/Sounddesign Pierre Armand
Produzent*innen Mohammed Ali Atassi, Jean-Laurent Csindis, Meike Martens
Bidayyat for Audiovisual Arts, Films de Force Majeure, Blinker Filmproduktion
Pascale Ramonda
Venice Film Festival 2018
Weltpremiere / World PremiereVenice Film Festival 2018
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere
Trouble Features
Screenings followed by discussion
LISSA AMMETSAJJEL & a counterpart surprise film
Hosts: Diskollektiv