Chez Jolie Coiffure
At Jolie Coiffure
„Jolie“ ist ein winziger Friseursalon im Brüsseler Viertel Matongé. Sabine, selbst aus Kamerun, betreibt den Laden, der auch sozialer Treffpunkt für Frauen aus Afrika ist. Die ZuseherInnen werden mitten hineingeworfen in das kleine Geschäftslokal, das wie ein Aquarium wirkt und voller Spiegel, Haare und Gespräche ist. Es wird frisiert und geflochten; kosmetische, finanzielle und private Probleme werden besprochen und gelöst, Beziehungstipps gegeben und eine lokale Spargruppe gegründet. Nur wenn die Kundinnen einmal länger ausbleiben wird es ruhig, und Sabine erzählt von ihrer eigenen Geschichte. (Katharina Riedler)
Rosine Mbakam is invited to step in Sabine’s small hairdresser’s because it is dangerous in the street. She accepts and pushes in with her camera. This is how Mbakam’s second feature-length documentary @Chez Jolie Coiffure@ begins. Shot via mirrors, Sabine’s salon appears bigger than it actually is. Sabine’s stories and the customers’ joys, worries, problems and fears bring depth and life into the premises. At times, it feels like the entire African quarter of Brussels had squeezed in. Laughter abounds, anecdotes and life stories elicit emotions, and a male visitor brings a touch of flirt into the salon. (Helsinki Documentary Film Festival)
Director's Biography
Rosine Mfetgo Mbakam
Rosine Mfetgo Mbakam was born in Cameroon in 1980 and started working at the NGO COE where she was trained in editing and directing and made several documentaries. In 2003, she joined the team of STV (Spectrum Television) where she made audiovisual programs. Mbakam left Cameroon to study film at INSAS in Belgium in 2007. In 2018 she founded Tândor Productions, together with Geoffrey Cernaix.
Film Selection: Chez Jolie Coiffure (2019, doc) - Les deux visages d'une femme Bamiléké (The Two Faces of a Bamiléké Woman, 2016, doc) - Tu seras mon allié - (2012, short) - Les portes du passé - (2011, doc short)
Rosine Mfetgo Mbakam was born in Cameroon in 1980 and started working at the NGO COE where she was trained in editing and directing and made several documentaries. In 2003, she joined the team of STV (Spectrum Television) where she made audiovisual programs. Mbakam left Cameroon to study film at INSAS in Belgium in 2007. In 2018 she founded Tândor Productions, together with Geoffrey Cernaix.
Film Selection: Chez Jolie Coiffure (2019, doc) - Les deux visages d'une femme Bamiléké (The Two Faces of a Bamiléké Woman, 2016, doc) - Tu seras mon allié - (2012, short) - Les portes du passé - (2011, doc short)
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2019
Rosine Mbakam
Belgien 2018
70 Minuten
Französisch OmeU
Kamera Rosine Mbakam
Schnitt Geoffroy Cernaix
Ton/Sounddesign Rosine Mbakam, Loïc Villiot
Mit Sabine Amiyeme
Produzent*innen Geoffroy Cernaix, Rosine Mbakam
Tândor Productions
WIP – Wallonie Image Production
DOK Leipzig 2018
Weltpremiere / World PremiereDOK Leipzig 2018
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere