Première campagne
First Campaign
Als die junge Journalistin Astrid Mezmorian ihre neue Stelle beim Fernsehsender France Télévisions antritt, wird sie beauftragt, zum ersten Mal eine Wahlkampfkampagne zu begleiten: die richtungsweisende des Präsidentschaftskandidaten Emmanuel Macron. Die Einsteigerin verbringt diesen zweimonatigen Marathon unterwegs, mitten im medialen Gedränge, hinter und vor der Kamera, immer mit Stift oder Mikro in der Hand. Der Dokumentarfilm Première Campagne begleitet sie bei dieser aufregenden Tour de Force und eröffnet zugleich einen spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen der politischen Berichterstattung. (Katharina Riedler)
Freshly landed in the political department of TV station France 2, Astrid Mezmorian has to follow the youngest presidential candidate, Emmanuel Macron, for the start of his election campaign. It means two months of marathon for two novices ... For the one, it is the opportunity for an unprecedented reflection on her job, for the other it is the chance to conquer the Elysée. First Campaign is both an exceptional dive behind the scenes of France Télévisions, and reveals a new perspective on the presidential campaign.
Director's Biography
Audrey Gordon
Audrey Gordon started out as a journalist at Libération and France 3. In 2013 she directed her first documentary, "Kinderlekh“, for France 3. In 2014, she realized her first fiction feature, "Edith & Lucile“. Since then, she has made several TV documentaries. Between 2016 and 2018 she made her documentary "Siblings“, about brothers and sisters who were put into seperate foster homes and reunite annually at a summer camp.
Film Selection: Première Campagne (First Campaign, 2018, doc) - Siblings (2018, doc) - Edith & Lucile (2014) - Kinderlekh (2013, TV doc)
Audrey Gordon started out as a journalist at Libération and France 3. In 2013 she directed her first documentary, "Kinderlekh“, for France 3. In 2014, she realized her first fiction feature, "Edith & Lucile“. Since then, she has made several TV documentaries. Between 2016 and 2018 she made her documentary "Siblings“, about brothers and sisters who were put into seperate foster homes and reunite annually at a summer camp.
Film Selection: Première Campagne (First Campaign, 2018, doc) - Siblings (2018, doc) - Edith & Lucile (2014) - Kinderlekh (2013, TV doc)
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2019
Audrey Gordon
Frankreich 2018
72 Minuten
Französisch OmeU
Drehbuch Audrey Gordon
Kamera Audrey Gordon
Schnitt Baptiste Saint-Dizier
Ton/Sounddesign Benjamin Silvestre
Mit Astrid Mezmorian, Emmanuel Macron
Produzent*innen Nora Rotman, Michel Rotman
Les Ecuries, Kuiv
Politikos Festival du Film Politique 2018
Weltpremiere / World PremierePolitikos Festival du Film Politique 2018
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere