Da der Versuch scheitert, das Leben des ehemaligen Boxers Peter Baláž dokumentarisch festzuhalten, entscheiden Ivan Ostrochovský und er, es zu fiktionalisieren. Also begibt sich der einst so vielversprechende Boxer auf eine Tour durch verschiedene slowakisch-österreichisch-deutsche Provinzen, die zu einem Comeback und vor allem einer finanziellen Verbesserung der prekären Lebenssituation mit Freundin und Kind im Roma-Viertel führen soll. Koza und sein launischer Impresario (Zvonko Lakčević) geben ein skurriles Paar in diesem Roadmovie mit Anleihen im Gangster-Genre. Die dunkle Winterlandschaft rund um das slowakische Žilina setzt Martin Kollár eindrucksvoll ins Bild. (Nicole Kandioler)
Peter “Koza” Baláž is a former Olympic boxer. He and his partner Miša are constantly struggling to make ends meet. Miša learns that she is expecting a child and decides to terminate her pregnancy. She pressures Koza to get money for the procedure. Koza, who has not trained in a while, steps back into the ring, hoping to earn some much-needed cash and possibly change Miša’s mind. He and his manager Zvonko embark on a “tour”, where success is not measured in victories, but in the amount of blows that Koza can take. There is boxing footage aplenty, but Ostrochovský and director of photography Martin Kollar, who beautifully frames the dark, wintry landscape, primarily focus on the space outside the ring; they avoid stereotyping their subjects and capture welcome moments of gentle humor. (Alissa Simon, Viennale)
Director's Biography
Born in 1972 in Žilina, then ČSSR, now Slovakia, Ivan Ostrochovský studied documentary directing and worked as a director and producer in Bratislava. His first feature-length documentary, VELVET TERRORISTS, premiered at the 2013 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. His debut fiction feature film, KOZA, screened at the Berlinale in 2015 and was selected as Slovakia’s 2016 Oscar entry. Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Služobníci (Servants, 2020) - Koza (2015) - Zamatoví teroristi (Velvet Terrorists, 2013, doc, co-directors: Péter Kerekes, Pavol Pekarčík) - Ilja (2010, doc short)
Služobníci (Servants, 2020) - Koza (2015) - Zamatoví teroristi (Velvet Terrorists, 2013, doc, co-directors: Péter Kerekes, Pavol Pekarčík) - Ilja (2010, doc short)
Tribute 2021
Ivan Ostrochovský
Slowakei / Tschechien 2015
75 Minuten
Slowakisch / Tschechisch / Englisch / Deutsch OmeU
Drehbuch Marek Leščák, Ivan Ostrochovský
Kamera Martin Kollar
Schnitt Viera Čákanyová, Maroš Šlapeta, Matej Beneš, Peter Morávek
Ton/Sounddesign Tobias Potočný
Mit Peter Baláž, Zvonko Lakčević, Ján Franek, Stanislava Bongilajová, Nikola Bongilajová, Tatiana Piussi
Produzent*innen Marek Urban, Jiří Konečný, Ivan Ostrochovský, Maroš Šlapeta
sentimentalfilm, endorfilm, Czech Television, Radio and Television of Slovakia, Punkchart films
Pluto Film
Berlinale 2015