Garage People
Im Norden Russlands erstreckt sich ein eigentümliches kleines Dorf, nicht aus Häusern, sondern aus Garagen. Vereint darin, ihre Leidenschaft zu verfolgen, werden die Garagen von den unterschiedlichsten Charakteren nicht nur als Rückzugsort realisiert – auch als Werkstatt, Proberaum oder gar als jahrzehntelanges Lebenswerk. Natalija Yefimkina gelingt es in ihrem Kinodebüt sowohl die Tragikomik einzufangen, die dem Alltag des spleenigen Garagenvolks innewohnt, als auch in innere Gefühlswelten vorzudringen. (Jakob Dibold)
Russia’s Far North is an inhospitable region where winter never seems to end. Here, on the edge of a city where a mining company is the sole employer, garages stretch out into infinity. Behind the doors is the refuge of the Russian man. Within a few square meters, he can devote his inventive talent to creating an alternative living space. Scrap collector Ilja uses his as a workshop; Roman breeds quail in his, while Pavel carves figures of saints, and the garage belonging to a rock band serves as a rehearsal room. Together they form a microcosm that reveals a hidden part of society in which there is also room for humour. (Berlinale)
Director's Biography
Born in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1983 to Russian-Ukrainian parents, Natalija Yefimkina moved with her family to Germany in 1995. After studying history and literature in Berlin, she worked as an assistant director and production assistant on various feature films. GARAGE PEOPLE is her first feature-length documentary and her debut as a director and won the Heiner-Carow-Preis at the Berlinale. Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Garagenvolk (Garage People, 2020, doc)
Garagenvolk (Garage People, 2020, doc)
Competition Documentary 2021
Natalija Yefimkina
Deutschland 2020
95 Minuten
Russisch OmeU
Drehbuch Natalija Yefimkina
Kamera Axel Schneppat
Schnitt Nicole Fischer, Lucia Gerhardt, Markus Schmidt, Barbara Toennieshen
Ton/Sounddesign Alexey Antonov, Ivan Arapov
Produzent*innen Andrea Schütte, Dirk Decker
Tamtam Film
Rise and Shine
Verleih in Österreich
Berlinale 2020