

Ein Tag in einer russischen Siedlung: ein Tag, der in Loznitsas essayistischer Erzählung gehaltvoll wie ein ganzes Leben anmutet. Gänzlich ohne Dialog, ohne auch nur ein einziges gesprochenes Wort vermitteln die Schwarz-Weiß-Bilder von Poselenije den Alltag einer ländlichen Siedlung für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen. In idyllischer und friedvoller Umgebung arbeiten und leben diese Menschen in schierer Harmonie. Ihre obsessive körperliche Arbeit, das Bearbeiten der Erde, scheint Seele und Geist zu beruhigen, scheint ihnen schlicht gutzutun. Und dennoch: Angst und Hoffnungslosigkeit nehmen auch inmitten dieses glücklichen Ortes stetig zu.

A master of detailed, minimalist observation, Loznitsa introduces us to a rural settlement where the residents are seemingly involved in everyday farm work – harvesting fields, chopping wood, working at a sawmill, maintaining the property. Yet as we watch the workers, we notice strange inconsistencies in their routines – the wood never appears to be cut, the grain never harvested – and it soon becomes apparent that what we are witnessing is neither a farm nor some sort of labor commune. Gradually, we come to understand the workers, are in fact, patients. Their daily chores, though earnestly performed, serve only therapeutic purposes.

Director's Biography
Sergei Loznitsa was born 1964 in Belarus and grew up in the Ukraine. Graduated from the Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) in Moscow in 1997. He has been making documentary films since 1996 and has received numerous national and international awards. In 2010 Loznitsa’s feature debut MY JOY premiered in the main competition at the Festival de Cannes followed by IN THE FOG in 2012 and MAIDAN in 2014. SEGODNYA MY POSTROIM DOM (Today We Are Going To Build A House, co-directed by Marat Magambetov, 1996, short doc), ZHIZN, OSEN (Life, Autumn, co-directed by Marat Magambetov, 1998, short doc), POLUSTANOK (The Train Stop, 2000, short doc), POSELENIJE (The Settlement, 2001, doc), PORTRET (Portrait, 2002, short doc), PEYZAZH (Landscape, 2003, doc), FABRIKA (Factory, 2004, short doc), BLOKADA (Blockade, 2005, doc), ARTEL (2006, short doc), SEVERNY SVET (Northern Light, 2008, doc), PREDSTAVLENYE (Revue, 2009, doc), SCHASTYE MOE (My Joy, 2010), V TUMANE (In The Fog, 2012; CE '13), O MILAGRE DE SANTO ANTÓNIO (The Miracle of Saint Anthony, 2012, short doc), PISMO (The Letter, 2012, short doc), REFLECTIONS. DIRECTOR'S CUT (2014, short doc), MAIDAN (2014, doc), THE OLD JEWISH CEMETERY (2014, short doc)
Tribute 2015
Sergei Loznitsa
Russland 2001
black and white
80 Minuten
ohne Dialog
Kamera Pavel Kostomarov
Ton/Sounddesign Valeriy Petriaschwilie
Produzent*innen Viacheslav Telnov (St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio)
St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio Kryukov kanal 12 190068 St. Petersburg Russia T +7 812 714 53 12 F +7 812 714 33 04 cinedoc@mail.ru www.cinedoc.ru