Anişoara, fünfzehn, wohnt in einem kleinen, zwischen sanften Hügeln gelegenen Dorf in Moldawien. Ihr Leben mit Großvater Petru und ihrem kleinen Bruder Andrei ist ruhig, archaisch und dennoch zu jeder Jahreszeit anders: Im Sommer fährt Anişoara zur Melonenernte, wo sie das überwältigende Gefühl der ersten Liebe erfährt, während im Herbst ein alter, sonderbarer deutscher Tourist kurz in ihr Leben eingreift. Im Winter reist sie unterdes mit Dragoş zum ersten Mal ans Meer, ehe dieser im Frühling mit einer Überraschung zurückkehrt. Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter – Anişoaras einjährige Metamorphose zur Erwachsenen.
Anişoara lives with her brother, Andrei, and their grandfather, Petru, in an unnamed, crumbling Moldovan village. The household chores fill her day and the family is obviously poor, but joy is not lacking from her life. A scene where Anişoara picks and devours watermelons together with other villagers is particularly uplifting: The sun is setting, a trumpet is playing a joyous tune, and everybody is laughing with their mouths filled with the fruit’s sweetness. When handsome Dragoş shows up, Anişoara is smitten with this man whom she has seen for the first time in her life. From that very moment, her days are filled with purpose and longing. (Stefan Dobroiu, Cineuropa)
Director's Biography
ANA-FELICIA SCUTELNICU, born in 1978, is a Moldovan filmmaker. After four years dedicated to theater in Benin, West Africa, she moved to Berlin and enrolled at the DFFB – German Film and Television Academy. Her short films Between Walls and Backyard screened at international festivals and won numerous awards. Her film Panhida won the Robert Bosch Film Prize and was awarded at the Rome International Film Festival. Anishoara is her graduation film. // Films (selection): Între Ziduri (Between Walls, 2007, short), Die Spielerin (The Player, 2008, short), Hinterhof (Backyard, 2010, short), Panhida (2012), Anişoara (Anishoara, 2016)
Competition Fiction 2017
Ana-Felicia Scutelnicu
Deutschland / Moldawien 2016
106 Minuten
Drehbuch Ana-Felicia Scutelnicu
Kamera Luciano Cervio, Cornelius Plache, Maximilian Preiss
Schnitt Hannah Schwegel
Ton/Sounddesign Niklas Kammertöns
Musik Stephan Bruns, Manja Ebert, Stephan Franz
Mit Ana Morari, Andrei Morari, Dragoş Scutelnicu, Petru Roşcovan, Veronica Cangea, Vasile Brînză, Willem Menne, Andrei Sochircă
Produzent*innen Jakob D. Weydemann, Jonas Weydemann (Weydemann Bros., DE), DFFB – German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DE), RBB (DE)
Weydemann Bros. Kottbusser Damm 73 10967 Berlin Germany
Weltpremiere / World PremiereMunich International Film Festival 2016
Internationale Premiere / International Premiere
San Sebastián International Film Festival 2016
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere