Zamatoví teroristi

Velvet Terrorists

Eine spielerisch-ironische Auseinandersetzung mit drei ehemaligen Terroristen, die mit nicht immer erfolgreichen Aktionen gegen das kommunistische Regime protestierten. Alle drei werden mit ihren vergangenen Taten in Form von Re-Enactments konfrontiert. Während Stano vom gescheiterten Versuch erzählt, eine Tribüne am 1. Mai in die Luft zu sprengen, tritt Fero vor der Folie eines Agentenfilms auf und vermittelt sein Wissen über selbst gebastelte Bomben und PKW-Manöver. Vladimír schließlich, er hat einst Plakatflächen in die Luft gesprengt, sucht per Casting eine geeignete Kandidatin für ein subversives Training. Politischer Widerstand trifft auf die Lust am großen Knall. (Nicole Kandioler)

Stano, Fero and Vladimír are three men who resisted the communist regime in Czechoslovakia by planning anti regime terrorist attacks like blowing up a speaker's platform, destroying public billboards or even killing president Husak. All of them went to jail for acting out against the government. Three Slovak directors take a humorous look at the unique courage of these mavericks who managed to rise up from the anonymous and obedient masses. The filmmakers also consider the relevance of their ridiculously naïve terrorist acts – once called serious crimes but today possibly viewed as acts of heroism. An inventive combination of authenticity and staged scenes, VELVET TERRORISTS hovers between documentary and fiction. (Karlovy Vary Film Festival)

Director's Biography
Born in 1972 in Žilina, then ČSSR, now Slovakia, Ivan Ostrochovský studied documentary directing and worked as a director and producer in Bratislava. His first feature-length documentary, VELVET TERRORISTS, premiered at the 2013 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. His debut fiction feature film, KOZA, screened at the Berlinale in 2015 and was selected as Slovakia’s 2016 Oscar entry.
Filmographie Regie (Auswahl)
Služobníci (Servants, 2020, Ostrochovský) - Hluché dny (Silent Days, 2019, Pekarčík) - Baťa, první globalista (Batastories, 2019, doc, Kerekes) Koza (2015, Ostrochovský) - Zamatoví teroristi (Velvet Terrorists, 2013, doc) - 66 sezón (66 Seasons, 2003, doc, Kerekes; CE'04)
Tribute 2021
Pavol Pekarčík, Ivan Ostrochovský, Peter Kerekes
Slowakei / Tschechien / Kroatien 2013
87 Minuten
Tschechisch / Slowakisch
Drehbuch Peter Kerekes, Pavol Pekarčík, Ivan Ostrochovský
Kamera Martin Kollár
Schnitt Marek Šulík, Zuzana Cseplö
Ton/Sounddesign Tobias Potočný
Musik Marián Čurko
Produzent*innen Peter Kerekes, Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák, Siniša Juričić, Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík
Peter Kerekes Film, Czech Television, Radio and Television of Slovakia, Hypermarket Film, Nukleus film, sentimentalfilm, partizanfilm
Deckert Distribution
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2013