Tehran Recyclers

TEHRAN RECYCLERS porträtiert die diversen kulturellen, sozialen und urbanen Strukturen der iranischen Metropole mittels experimenteller Animation.

In the urban hideouts of this city, little digitally composed creatures come to life. The clatter of their limbs interacts with the soundscapes of Tehran.

Regie Biografie
Nikki Schuster is an animation film and sound artist. Born in Steyr, Upper Austria, and based in Berlin, she is the founder of the animation label Fiesfilm. Her work ANIMISTICA won the 2019 CROSSING EUROPE Innovative Award - Local Artist.
Filmografie Regie (Auswahl)
Tehran Recyclers (2020) - animistica (2018; CE'19) - Mexico Recyclers (2016; CE'17) - Absent (2015; CE'16) - Taipeh Recyclers (2014; CE'14) - Parasit (2013; CE'13) - Paris Recyclers (2010; CE'11) - Robotant (2007; CE'08)
Local Artists 2021
Nikki Schuster
Österreich / Deutschland / Iran 2020
6 Minuten
ohne Dialog
Drehbuch Nikki Schuster
Kamera Nikki Schuster
Schnitt Nikki Schuster
Musik Nikki Schuster
Produzent*innen Nikki Schuster