Call for Films
Work on the festival program and the program collaborations for 2020 is already underway, which is why filmmakers are invited to send in their current films for the next festival edition. Deadline for all program sections is 3 January 2020. HERE you can find the conditions for entry, the rules, as well as the entry forms. Details on the awards can be found HERE on our website.
In the European program sections on current films (year of production 2019 or 2020) with a minimum length of 60 minutes can be submitted. The selection is based on new ways of storytelling, or an innovative artistic design, as well as current sociopolitical topics, and dealing with European (lived) realities, in short: cinematographic positions that do justice to the variety (and thus also the variety of language) of European cinema and the continent of Europe.
The Local Artists section in the festival program shows current film and video works from the years 2019/2020 from Linz, or rather Upper Austria, and thus gives the local film scene and young filmmakers from the area an international platform. Filmmakers from Upper Austria are invited to submit their currents works for the local artists program. Films and videos from every genre, in every format, and in every length are welcome. Submissions from artists born, living, working, or studying in Upper Austria will be considered, as well as productions that were partly financed by an Upper Austrian funding agency and are presented in Upper Austria for the first time.
| Details on online submissions as well as the entry forms can be found at |