Prizes & Award Winners 2004 - 2024

CROSSING EUROPE Award - Best Fiction Film

€ 5.000,- powered by Linz Kultur

until 2019: € 10.000,- // powered by Linz Kultur & Land Oberösterreich / Kultur 
until 2014: CROSSING EUROPE Award European Competition

2004:  Kako ubiv svetec / How I Killed a Saint, Teona Strugar Mitevska (SI / FR / MK)
2005:  Demi-tarif / Half Price, Isild Le Besco (FR)
2006:  Gisela, Isabelle Stever (DE)
2007:  Die Unerzogenen / The Unpolished, Pia Marais (DE)
2008:  Charly, Isild Le Besco (FR)
2008:  Special Mention - Diorthosi / Correction, Thanos Anastopoulos (GR)
2009:  Uzak İhtimal / Wrong Rosary, Mahmut Fazıl Coşkun (TR)
2009:  Special Mention - De ofrivilliga / Involuntary, Ruben Östlund (SE)
2010:  Crnci / The Blacks, Zvonimir Jurić, Goran Dević (HR)
2011:  Caracremada, Lluís Galter (ES)
2011:  Im Alter von Ellen / At Ellen's Age, Pia Marais (DE)
2012:  Z daleka widok jest piękny / It Looks Pretty From A Distance, Anka Sasnal, Wilhelm Sasnal (PL)
2013:  Special Mention - Až do mesta Aš / Made in Ash, Iveta Grófová (SK / CZ)
2014:  Les Apaches / Apaches, Thierry de Peretti (FR)
2014:  Family Tour, Liliana Torres (ES)
2015:  Varvari / Barbarians, Ivan Ikić (RS / ME / SI)
2016:  Babai, Visar Morina (DE / XK / MK / FR)
2016:  Baden Baden, Rachel Lang (BE / FR)
2017:  Ne gledaj mi u pijat / Quit Staring at My Plate, Hana Jušić (HR / DK)
2018:  António um dois três / Antonio One Two Three, Leonardo Mouramateus (PT / BR)
2018:  Special Mention - Il cratere / Crater, Silvia Luzi, Luca Bellino (IT)
2018:  Special Mention - Körfez / The Gulf, Emre Yeksan (TR / DE / GR)
2019:  Tchelovek kotorij udivil vseh / The Man Who Surprised Everyone, Natasha Merkulova, Aleksey Chupov (FR / RU / EE)
2019:  Special Mention - Light as Feathers, Rosanne Pel (NL)
2019:  Oray, Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay (DE)
2020:  Due to the Corona-related cancelation of Crossing Europe 2020, the festival prize was not awarded.
2021:  Dasatskisi / Beginning, Dea Kulumbegashvili (GE / FR)
2022:  Cicha Ziemia / Silent Land, Aga Woszczyńska (PL / IT / CZ)
2023:  Chleb i sól / Bread and Salt, Damian Kocur (PL)
2023:  Special Mention - Disco Boy, Giacomo Abbruzzese (BE / FR / IT / PL)
2024:  Melk / Milk, Stefanie Kolk (NL)
2024:  Special Mention - The Human Hibernation, Anna Cornudella Castro (ES)

CROSSING EUROPE Audience Award - Best Fiction Film

€ 1.000,- powered by Crossing Europe

2011 to 2014: AUDIENCE AWARD

2011:  Pál Adrienn / Adrienn Pal, Ágnes Kocsis (HU / NL / AT / FR)
2012:  Weekend, Andrew Haigh (GB)
2013:  Animals, Marçal Forés (ES)
2014:  10.000 KM / Long Distance, Carlos Marques-Marcet (ES / US)
2015:  Ce Lume Minunată / What a Wonderful World, Anatol Durbală (MD)
2016:  Jajda / Thirst, Svetla Tsotsorkova (BG)
2017:  Hjartasteinn / Heartstone, Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson (DK / IS)
2018:  Hva vil folk si / What Will People Say, Iram Haq (NO / DE / SE)
2019:  Irina, Nadejda Koseva (BG)
2020:  Due to the Corona-related cancelation of Crossing Europe 2020, the festival prize was not awarded.
2021:  Mila / Apples, Christos Nikou (GR / PL / SI)
2022:  Un monde / Playground, Laura Wandel (BE)
2023:  Sigurno mjesto / Safe Place, Juraj Lerotić (HR / SI)
2024:  Hypnosen / The Hypnosis, Ernst De Geer (SE / NO / FR)

CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award – Best Documentary 

€ 5.000,- powered by Gutenberg-Werbering und CROSSING EUROPE

2017 - 2022: € 5.000,- powered by gfk - Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik OÖ
until 2016: € 5.000,- powered by Land Oberösterreich / Soziales

2014:  Special Mention - Kauza Cervanová / Normalization, Robert Kirchhoff (SK / CZ)
2014:  Dell'arte Della Guerra / On The Art of War, Luca Bellino, Silvia Luzi (IT / US)
2015:  Flotel Europa, Vladimir Tomic (DK / RS)
2016:  Rio Corgo, Maya Kosa, Sérgio da Costa (CH / PT)
2017:  Rodnye / Close Relations, Vitaly Mansky (LV / DE / EE / UA)
2018:  A Woman Captured, Bernadett Tuza-Ritter (HU)
2019:  Special Mention - Srbenka, Nebojša Slijepčević (HR)
2019:  Special Mention - Transnistra, Anna Eborn (SE / DK / BE)
2020:  Due to the Corona-related cancelation of Crossing Europe 2020, the festival prize was not awarded.
2021:  Anyáim története / Her Mothers, Asia Dér, Sári Haragonics (HU)
2022:  Tvornice radnicima / Factory to the Workers, Srđan Kovačević (HR)
2023:  Silent Love, Marek Kozakiewicz (DE / PL)
2023:  My ne zgasnemo / We Will Not Fade Away, Alisa Kovalenko (UA / FR / PL / US)
2024:  Fanni kertje / Fairy Garden, Gergő Somogyvári (HU / RO / HR)


€ 2.000,- powered by CROSSING EUROPE
2019:  Posledice / Consequences, Darko Štante (AT / SI)
2020:  Due to the Corona-related cancelation of Crossing Europe 2020, the festival prize was not awarded.
2021:  Tottumiskysymys / Force of Habit, Kirsikka Saari, Elli Toivoniemi, Anna Paavilainen, Alli Haapasalo, Reetta Aalto, Jenni Toivoniemi, Miia Tervo (FI)
2022:  Youth Topia, Dennis Stormer (CH / DE)
2023:  Petites / Little Ones, Julie Lerat-Gersant (FR)
2023:  Special Mention - Elaha, Milena Aboyan (DE)
2024:  Valoa valoa valoa / Light Light Light, Inari Niemi (FI)
2024:  Special Mention - Rivière, Hugues Hariche (CH / FR)

CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist 

€ 5.000,- powered by Land Oberösterreich / Kultur
€ 2.000,- Voucher The Grand Post – Audio  & Picture Post Production
2021 // € 8.000,- // powered by Land Oberösterreich / Kultur (€ 5.000,-), The Grand Post Audio Post Production for Film & TV (€ 2.000,-) and Forafilm (€ 1.000,-)
2016 - 2020 // € 7.000,-  // powered by Federal Province of Upper Austria / Department of Culture (€ 5.000,-) and The Grand Post Audio Post Production for Film & TV (€ 2.000,-)
2004 - 2015 // € 7.000,- // powered by Federal Province of Upper Austria / Department of Culture (€ 5.000,-) and Synchro Film, Video & Audio Bearbeitungs GmbH (€ 2.000,-)

2004:  Jet, Schwentner Michaela (AT)
2004:  Special Mention - Blowfeld, Rainer Gamsjäger (AT)
2004:  Special Mention - Nix Gscheit's drin, Regina Stefanischitz (AT)
2005:  Mirror Mechanics, Siegfried A. Fruhauf (AT)
2005:  Special Mention - SW-NÖ 04, Barbara Musil (AT)
2006:  Wir LAWOG-Frauen haben's schön, Gisela Hesser (AT)
2006:  Special Mention - Am Hauptplatz, im Wald, Sofie Thorsen (AT)
2006:  Special Mention - Fuge 1.6180339887 - Part 2, Robert Praxmarer (AT)
2007:  Bleiben will ich, wo ich nie gewesen bin, Libertad Hackl (AT)
2007:  Nach der Eishöhle, Lukas Marxt (AT)
2007:  Special Mention - Fatsy, Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod (AT)
2008:  Market sentiments, Barbara Musil (AT)
2008:  Special Mention - Brachland, Ernst Spiessberger (AT)
2008:  Special Mention - Eintritt zum Paradies um 3€20 / Admission to Paradise for 3€20, Edith Stauber (AT)
2009:  Drauf, Martin Music (AT)
2009:  Dropping Furniture, Harald Hund, Paul Horn (AT)
2009:  Special Mention - Romeo und Julia / Franz und Rosi, HS Steinerkirchen (AT)
2010:  Sinister Sisters Slaughterhouse, Michaela Mandel (AT / SE)
2010:  Slam Video Maputo, Ella Raidel (MZ / AT)
2011:  SUBVERSES China in Mozambique, Ella Raidel (MZ / AT)
2011:  Daschka, Ludwig Löckinger (AT)
2012:  Die Arbeiterinnen verlassen die Fabrik, Katharina Gruzei (AT)
2012:  Nachbehandlung / After Treatment, Edith Stauber (AT)
2013:  Humming, fast and slow, Rainer Kohlberger (DE / AT)
2013:  Special Mention - Pfitscher, Florian Kofler (AT / IT)
2014:  Special Mention - Performance, Kornelia Kugler (DE)
2015:  Eden's Edge (Three Shorts on the Californian Desert), O.N.L.S.D., G. Treml, L. Calice O.N.L.S.D., G. Treml, L. Calice (AT)
2015:  Farfalla, Felix Huber (AT)
2016:  Korida, Siniša Vidović (AT)
2016:  Those Shocking Shaking Days, Selma Doborac (AT / BA)
2017:  Oderland. Fontane, Bernhard Sallmann (DE)
2017:  Kaugummizigaretten / Candy Cigarettes, Marie Luise Lehner (AT)
2018:  Schneemann, Leni Gruber (AT)
2018:  < common.places 2 >, Fiona Rukschcio (AT)
2019:  Fleischwochen, Joachim Iseni (AT)
2020:  Due to the Corona-related cancelation of Crossing Europe 2020, the festival prize was not awarded.
2021:  2551.01, Norbert Pfaffenbichler (AT)
2021:  schweben. / swaying., Julia Windischbauer, Elena Wolff (AT / SE)
2021:  Ankommen / Arriving, Mohammad Reza Rasouli (AT)
2022:  Hollywood, Leni Gruber, Alex Reinberg (AT)
2022:  Stories from the Sea, Jola Wieczorek (AT)
2023:  Cloudy Memories, Isabella Friedl (IT)
2023:  De Facto, Selma Doborac (AT / DE)
2023:  Special Mention - Cave Painting, Siegfried A. Fruhauf (AT)
2024:  The Electric Kiss, Rainer Kohlberger (AT / DE)
2024:  Special Mention - Im Traum sind alle Quallen feucht / In their dreams all jellyfish are wet, Marie Luise Lehner (AT)
2024:  Marlene, Daniel Kalkhofer (AT)

CREATIVE REGION Music Video Award 

€ 1.500,- powered by CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria
2020:  Auto - KLITCLIQUE, Anna Spanlang (AT)
2021:  Immigrant - Dacid Go8lin, Mark Gerstorfer (AT)
2022:  I Accept - Nnella, Alexander Au Yeong, Nadja Bodlak (AT)
2024:  Don't Worry – Franz Pop Collective, Gloria Gammer (AT)

MIOB New Vision Award

€ 3.000,- powered by MIOB | Moving Images Open Borders
2022:  Murina, Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović (HR / BR / US / SI)
2023:  Berdreymi / Beautiful Beings, Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson (IS / DK / SE / NL / CZ)
2024:  Slow, Marija Kavtaradze (LT / ES / SE)

CROSSING EUROPE Innovative Award - Local Artist

 € 3.500,- powered by OÖ Kulturquartier 
2017:  Fetish Finger, Susanna Flock (AT)
2018:  La sombra de un dios / A God's Shadow , Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT / DE / MX)
2019:  animistica, Nikki Schuster (AT / DE / MX)
2020:  How to Disappear, Total Refusal (AT)
2020:  Special Mention - Stones, Michael Heindl (BO / PE / CL / AT)
2020:  Hard-headed Harmony, Michael Heindl (GB / AT)


 € 1.500,- powered by CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria
2013:  Goodbye - Cherry Sunkist, Karin Fisslthaler (AT)
2014:  Meltingsphere - Richard Eigner & Abby Lee Tee, Andreea Săsăran (AT)
2015:  Heaven - Felix Schager, Konstantin Diggn, Lukas Jakob Löcker (AT)
2016:  Wösside - Wös Rap Rec, Leni Gruber (AT)
2017:  Naked Thoughts - Alpine Dweller, Josef Fink, David Haunschmidt (AT)
2019:  Fahrvergnügen - Chris Imler, Dagmar Schürrer (AT / DE)

CROSSING EUROPE Innovation Award – Local Artist

initiated by ANIMA PLUS – Verein zur Förderung der Animationskunst
€ 2000,- powered by Land Oberösterreich Kultur und Linz Kultur
2024:  Laute Stille , Lisa Bayr, Lukas Brandstetter, Katharina Arbeithuber (AT)

CROSSING EUROPE Award - Youth Jury

€ 1.000,- powered by CROSSING EUROPE
2018:  Cobain, Nanouk Leopold (NL / BE / DE)

CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award – Local Artist 

€4.000,- powered by Land Oberösterreich / Soziales
(2016: powered by Kinder- und Jugendhilfe OÖ)

2014:  Private Revolutions, Alexandra Schneider (AT)
2015:  Monumenti, Eva Hausberger (AT)
2015:  Special Mention - EVDEKI SES - 22m² Österreich, Ufuk Serbest (AT)
2016:  Unten, Djordje Čenić, Herman Peseckas (AT)

CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist Atelierpreis

powered by Atelierhaus SALZAMT LINZ (2010 - 2016)
2010:  The Law Of The Time - Ritornell, Gloria Gammer, Sigrid Nagele (AT)
2011:  The Streets of the Invisibles, Remo Rauscher (AT)
2012:  Trying to build a Sentence, Susanna Flock (AT)
2013:  2x10m² Ostseeblick, Miguel José Gonzalez-Gonzalez (AT)
2014:  Untended Outskirts, Markus Burgstaller (AT)
2015:  Untitled 014, Vildan Turalić (AT)
2016:  Last Supper IV, Maria Czernohorszky (AT)

CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist Drehort Tabakfabrik

powered by Tabakfabrik Linz (2015)
2015:  Notes On Mackey, Klaus Pamminger (AT)


€ 6.000,- powered by CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria (2014)
2014:  Sleep Sleep - Gospel, Jakob Kubizek (AT)
2014:  Selbe Stadt anderer Planet - Kreisky, Jakob Kubizek (AT)

FEDEORA AWARDS for European Documentaries

2012:  Documentary films by directors under the age of 33 - Ein Brief aus Deutschland / A Letter from Germany, Sebastian Mez (DE)
2012:  Special Mention - Hauptfriedhof / Cemetery, Melanie Jilg (DE)
2012:  Documentary films by directors over the age of 33 - Vol Spécial / Special Flight, Fernand Melgar (CH)
2012:  Special Mention - Entrée du personnel / Staff Entrance, Manuela Frésil (FR)
2014:  Géographie humaine / Human Geography, Claire Simon (FR)


€ 5.000,- powered by Silhouette (2011 - 2012)
2011:  Beli beli svet / White White World, Oleg Novković (RS)
2012:  Sangue do meu Sangue / Blood of my Blood, João Canijo (PT)

CROSSING EUROPE Award European Documentary

powered by ORF (2010 - 2011)
2010:  Videocracy, Erik Gandini (SE)
2011:  Into Eternity, Michael Madsen (DK / FI)

ray Publikumspreis

€ 5.000,- powered by ray Filmmagazin (2006 - 2010)
2006:  Kontakt / Contact, Sergej Stanojkovski (MK / DE)
2007:  Avril / April in Love, Gérald Hustache-Mathieu (FR)
2008:  Ljubav i drugi zlocini / Love and Other Crimes, Stefan Arsenijevic (RS / DE / AT / SI)
2009:  Unmade Beds, Alexis Dos Santos (GB)
2010:  Coeur Animal / Animal Heart, Séverine Cornamusaz (CH / FR)