
A young father of Arab origins is subjected to a police control. He doesn't know how to explain the situation to his son – and he doesn't know that the most inexplicable events of this night are yet to come.

Director's Biography
Michael Rittmannsberger, geb. 1982 in Linz. 2003 bis 2008 Studium der Multimedia Art an der FH Salzburg und der University of Westminster (Media Arts & Design) in London. Michael Rittmannsberger arbeitet als Werbetexter und Regisseur in Wien. // Filme (Auswahl): VALENCIA (2008), VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCHE (2010), SISTER (2010; CE '10), ABGESTEMPELT(2011)
Local Artists 2012
Michael Rittmannsberger
Austria 2011
11 minutes
OV with English subtitles