
Amin revolves around the titular protagonist, a Senegalese immigrant working construction jobs in a Paris suburb, and the people who populate his world: his wife, Aïsha, and three kids back in Senegal, whom he visits a few times a year bearing money and gifts; his Moroccan co-worker Abdelaziz; and Gabrielle, a chic, middle-aged white nurse whose house Amin is hired to help renovate. Faucon’s compassion for his subjects and their sacrifices is unquestionable. This measured, methodical, deeply empathetic filmmaker gives voice to those who form France’s sizable and diverse underclass. (Jon Frosch, The Hollywood Reporter)

Director's Biography
Philippe Faucon
Philippe Faucon was born in Oujda, Morocco, in 1958, as a son of French parents. He studied in Aix-en-Provence. Many of his works are about society issues like homosexuality and the problems of migrants in France. His first six films were produced by Humbert Balsan. In 2005, he founded Istiqlal Films with Yasmina Nini-Faucon.

Film Selection: Amin (2018) - Fatima (2015) - La désintégration (The Disintegration, 2011) - Dans la vie (Two Ladies, 2007) - La trahison (The Betrayal, 2005) - Samia (2000)
European Panorama Fiction 2019
Philippe Faucon
France 2018
91 minutes
French / Wolof
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Philippe Faucon, Yasmina Nini-Faucon, Mustapha Kharmoudi
Cinematography Laurent Fénart
Editing Sophie Mandonnet, Matilde Grosjean
Sound/Sounddesign Pascal Ribier
Music Amine Bouhafa
With Moustapha Mbengue, Emmanuelle Devos, Marème N’Diaye, Noureddine Benallouche, Moustapha Naham, Jalal Quarriwa, Fantine Harduin, Samuel Churin
Producer(s) Olivier Pere, Yasmina Nini-Faucon, Rémi Buran, Philippe Faucon
Istiqlal Films
World Sales
Pyramide International
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Cannes 2018
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Cannes Film Festival 2018

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere