Auk Nr 8

Pit No. 8

In the heart of a once thriving Ukrainian coal-mining region everybody digs – retirees, unemployed miners and even the children. Years ago, the town‘s desperate residents decided to start mining illegally; they excavate everywhere: in abandoned mines, under the basements of demolished buildings, in the neighborhood woods and leisure parks, as well as in their own vegetable gardens. The story focuses on the Sikanov family, which has three children. 15-year-old Yura, the grandson of a powerful Soviet plant director, is the head of the family working as a miner in the illegal pit. Despite a looming economic crisis and increasing responsibility for his two sisters, Yura still dreams of his own café somewhere far from home.

Director's Biography
MARIANNA KAAT, geb. in Tallinn, Estland. Studierte an der Staatlichen Theaterakademie in St. Petersburg. Arbeitete als Direktionsassistenz und Redakteurin in den Studios der Filmgesellschaft Eesti Telefilm und war für das estnische Fernsehen tätig. 1998 gründete Kaat ihre eigene Produktionsfirma: Baltic Film Production. Sie realisierte Dokumentar-, Spiel- und Fernsehfilme, die international mit Preisen ausgezeichnet wurden.

Filme (Auswahl): Now Not Only Offshore (1989, Dok), In Your Own Words (1990, Dok), The Last Phantoms (2006, Dok), PIT No. 8 (2010, Dok), Lobotomy (2010, Dok)
European Panorama Documentary 2011
Marianna Kaat
Estonia / Ukraine 2010
95 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Marianna Kaat
Cinematography Rein Kotov, ESC
Editing Max Golomidov
Sound/Sounddesign Ivo Felt
Music Timo Steiner
With Yura Sikanov, Julia Sikanova, Ulyana Sikanova, Dima Oprishchenko, Ljubov Sivohina, Gennadi Vertela, Sergei Vlasik, Sasha Jasinski, Vadim Dymov
Baltic Film Production Paldiski mnt.183-38 13518 Tallinn Estland T +372 502 7509