Beli beli svet

White White World

King is a handsome 40-year-old former miner owning a bar. Once he had an affair with the town beauty Ruzica, the wife of his boxing coach. When the husband found out and went mad, she had to kill him. After 7 years in jail, Ruzica returns to find her beloved King involved with a beautiful young girl: her daughter Rose.

Director's Biography
OLEG NOVKOVIĆ, geb. 1968 in Belgrad, Serbien. Studium der Film- und Fernsehregie an der Kunsthochschule Belgrad. Novković ist einer der wichtigsten Regisseure aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien. Seine Filme wurden auf zahlreichen renommierten Filmfestivals gezeigt und mit Preisen ausgezeichnet.

Filme (Auswahl): Kaži zašto me ostavi (Why Have You Left Me, 1993), Normalni Ljudi (Normal People, 2001), Deca (Children, 2002, Dok), Rudarska Opera (Miner‘s Opera, 2005, Dok), Sutra ujutru (Tomorrow Morning, 2006; CE 2007), Beli Beli Svet (2010)
European Panorama Fiction 2011
Oleg Novković
Serbia 2010
120 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Milena Marković
Cinematography Miladin Čolaković
Editing Lazar Predojev
Sound/Sounddesign Sebastian Schmidt
Music Boris Kovač
With Nebojša Glogovac, Meto Jovanovski, Uliks Fehmiu, Milica Mihajlović, Hana Selimovič, Nemanja Jovanov, Boris Isaković, Marko Janketic, Jasna Đuričić
West End Productions 5 Stanislava Sremcevica 11000 Belgrad Serbien T + 381 11 263 6636 F + 381 11 263 6636