Boris Ryzhy

Aliona van der Horst draws the portrait of a young 21st century poet, Boris Ryzhy, for whom life became unbearable. Through conversations with neighbors, family and friends, she pieces together a picture of the passionate and complex life of the poet. What emerges is a penetrating portrait of the perestroika generation who lost all certainties, becoming a generation of criminals and bodyguards. But despite all, Ryzhy loved this unhappy world, populated half by prisoners and half by their guards. He tried to transform its ugliness into the philosopher’s gold of poetic prosody.

Director's Biography
Aliona van der Horst, geb.1970 in Moskau, wuchs in Holland auf und studierte Russisch und Literatur. 1993-97 Dokumentarfilm-Studium an der Niederländischen Film- und Fernsehakademie. Ihr Abschlussfilm De dame met het witte hoedje (1997) erhielt internationale wie nationale Auszeichnungen. Seitdem realisierte sie Dokumentationen für das öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehen.

Filme (Auswahl): De dame met het witte hoedje (1997, Dok), Chained (1997, Dok), The Little Red Box (1998, Dok), Na de lente van ‘68 (2001, Dok), The Hermitage Dwellers (2003, Dok), Relieved (2004, Dok), Voices of Bam (2006, Dok), Boris Ryzhy (2008)
European Panorama Documentary 2010
Aliona van der Horst
Netherlands 2008
60 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Aliona van der Horst
Cinematography Maasja Ooms, Aliona van der Horst
Editing Maasja Ooms, Aliona van der Horst
Music Harry de Wit
With Boris Ryzhy (1974-2001), Artjom Ryzhy, Irina Knyazyeva, Olga Sosnovskaya, Margarita Ryzhaya, Sergej Luzin, Oleg Dozmorov
Zeppers Film & TV Joh. Verhulststraat 174 1075 HC Amsterdam Niederlande T +31 20 675 8594 F +31 20 679 3929 M +31 6 5577 6540