Cea mai fericită fată din lume

The Happiest Girl in the World

Delia, 18 years old, has won an expensive car. She comes to Bucharest with her parents for the testimonial shooting - the proof that she really received the prize. During the shooting Delia has long talks with her parents - that gradually turn into ugly arguments: Delia wants to keep it, while her parents want to sell it. What seemed to be a lucky event at the beginning eventually becomes an extreme and emotionally painful situation for Delia, in which she has to rethink and question her family relations.

Director's Biography
RADU JUDE, geb. 1977 in Bukarest. 2003 schloss er sein Filmstudium an der Bukarester Media University ab. Während seines Studiums, aber auch danach arbeitete er als Regieassistent bei Filmen, die in Rumänien gedreht wurden, wie z.B. Amen (2002) von Costa-Gavras und Der Tod des Herrn Lazarescu (2005) von Cristi Puiu. Abgesehen von mehreren Kurzfilmen hat er bislang über 100 Werbefilme gedreht.

Filme (Auswahl): Wrestling (2003, KF), The Black Sea (2004, KF), Alexandra (2007, KF), Cea mai fericitã fatã din lume (The Happiest Girl in the World, 2008)
Tribute 2011
Radu Jude
Romania / Netherlands 2009
100 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Radu Jude, Augustina Stanciu
Cinematography Marius Panduru
Editing Cătălin Cristutiu
Sound/Sounddesign Titi Fleancu
With Andreea Bosneag, Vasile Muraru, Violeta Haret
HiFilm Productions 179, Traian St. 024043 Bukarest Rumänien T +4021 252 4867 F +4021 252 4866 office@hifilm.ro www.hifilm.ro
World Sales
Films Boutique
World Premiere
Berlinale 2009