“Let’s make a film together,” says Christian Ziörjen, whose friends call him Chrigu. “Then I’ll drop out at some point.” CHRIGU tells the story of a young man who had big plans. When he is 21 years old, a tumor in an advanced stage is discovered in his neck, and he fights for his life.
European Panorama 2008
Jan Gassmann, Christian Ziörjen
Switzerland 2007
87 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Eric Andreae
Cinematography Jan Gassmann, Thomas Jörg, Christian Ziörjen
Editing Jan Gassmann
Music Mundartisten
Produzent Thomas Jörg xefilms GmbH Frohburgstrasse 136 8057 Zürich Schweiz T +41 44 361 0252