Entitled CINÉMA VARIÉTÉ (cinema of diversity in reference to Varieté Theater), the festival trailer centers around a clown as protagonist. As a fragile figure, the clown embodies both cheerful and dark sides, bringing together a repertoire of stories and associations. In his historical role as a figure of entertainment and transition, which still permeates all forms of art up to the present, he represents the vanguard of all the festival contributions. Clownesque figures entered the cinema with the beginning of film and continued the connotation of the clown. In the filmic miniature of the new festival trailer, the ambivalence of the figure of the clown is evident, when the friendly, enchanting performer mutates in the flickering light into a eerily dark stage figure. This diversity inherent to the figure of the clown also represents the rich multifacetedness of the films shown in the festival.
Director's Biography
In her artistic works Katharina Gruzei links investigations of the media of photography and film with the conditions for the creation of images and questions of pictorial representation. At the same time, she succeeds in conjoining socio-political issues with a precise formal concept in the artistic realization. (Jury Statement Talent Award Energie AG 2014)
Cross Over · Festivaltrailer · Local Artists 2015
Katharina Gruzei
1 minutes