Das Beste ist noch nicht vorbei - FIVA
The wine is finished, the cake has been eaten, and even the wildest party animals have to sleep some time. But is that a reason to just give up? Not according to Fiva. In the best of moods and astonishingly awake, the party queen starts a wake-up call: Get out of bed, there’s more to come! The best has only just started.
Director's Biography
Luzi Katamay, geb. 1982, und Christian Dietl, geb. 1984, studierten an der Kunstuni Linz. // Gem. Filme (Auswahl): PATTY – ALEX THE FLIPPER (2014; CE ’14), HEIT GEH I ALLA HAM (2014; CE ’15), DAS BESTE IST NOCH NICHT VORBEI (2014)
Local Artists 2015
Luzi Katamay, Christian Dietl (Las Gafas)
Austria 2014
4 minutes