Der Weltenwanderer

Be the change you want to see in the world: True to the motto of his great role model Mahatma Gandhi, 33-year-old Gregor Sieböck from Bad Ischl rejected a job at the World Bank six years ago to walk around the world. Since then, he has travelled more than 15,000 kilometers; step by step from economist to a wanderer through this world.

Director's Biography
Martin Hasenöhrl, geboren 1980 in Salzburg. Diplomstudium Kommunikations- und Politikwissenschaft. Postgraduate-Studium an der Kunsthochschule für Medien in Köln. Arbeitet als freier Autor, Regisseur, Cutter und Kameramann in Salzburg.

Filme (Auswahl): Kopfbahnhof (2003, Dok), Drent und Herent (2009, Dok), Der Weltenwanderer (2010, Dok)
Local Artists 2010
Martin Hasenöhrl
Austria 2010
59 minutes
German version
Screenplay Martin Hasenöhrl
Cinematography Martin Hasenöhrl, Heinrich Hasenöhrl
Editing Martin Hasenöhrl
With Gregor Sieböck