Die Liebe der Kinder
Wallace Line
A woman and a man are meeting at a rest stop half-way between their hometowns. They have become acquainted in an internet chat room for single parents. There seems to be some deeper attraction going on between them right from the start. They soon decide to move in together. Everything seems to be perfect, even the age of their almost adult children. Then, suddenly, the two children fall in love with each other and do so with the serious straightforwardness of the very first love. Roles get swapped. She is afflicted by some kind of jealousy towards the two children and feels that her own relationship is somehow devaluated by this duplication.
Director's Biography
Franz Müller, geb. 1965 in Mosbach/Odenwald, lebt und arbeitet in Köln und Berlin. Studium der Kunst, anschließend der Kybernetik in Düsseldorf. Postgraduierten-Studium an der Kunsthochschule für Medien in Köln, Bereich Film und Fernsehen. Seit 1996 Autor und Regisseur, seit 1999 Kinoprogrammarbeit im Filmclub 813 in Köln. Seit 2006 Mitherausgeber der Filmzeitschrift REVOLVER.
Filme (Auswahl): Madonna ist Löwe (1998, KF), Science Fiction (2003; CE 2004), Matelots d’eau douce (Die Macher; Episode in 24 h Marrakech, 2009), Die Liebe der Kinder (Wallace Line, 2009)
Filme (Auswahl): Madonna ist Löwe (1998, KF), Science Fiction (2003; CE 2004), Matelots d’eau douce (Die Macher; Episode in 24 h Marrakech, 2009), Die Liebe der Kinder (Wallace Line, 2009)
Competition Fiction 2010
Franz Müller
Germany 2009
83 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Franz Müller
Cinematography Christine A. Maier
Editing Stefan Stabenow
Music Tobias Ellenberg, Daniel Backes
With Marie-Lou Sellem, Alex Brendemühl, Katharina Derr, Tim Hoffmann
2Pilots Filmproduction GmbH Eigelstein 78 50668 Köln Deutschland T +49 221 91 30 153 F +49 221 91 30 155 2pilots@2pilots.de www.2pilots.de