Dix-sept ans
Jean-Benoît is seventeen years old and embarking on an apprenticeship to be a diesel engine mechanic. Between the garage where he works, his love affair with Hélèna, and his conflictual relationship with his mother, the film shows Jean-Benoît‘s inability to learn and his difficulty in leaving behind a childhood scarred by the disappearance of his father. And yet, gradually, Jean-Benoît is beginning to rebuild his life.
European Panorama 2005
Didier Nion
France 2003
83 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Didier Nion
Cinematography Didier Nion
Editing Catherine Zins
Mille et Une Films 11 rue Denis Papin 35000 Rennes Frankreich T +33 2 23 44 03 59 F +33 2 23 44 03 63 milfilm@club-internet.fr