Entre nos mains

Into Our Own Hands

Uncertain times for a small lingerie factory in the French city of Orléans. The employees of the medium-sized company are faced with the decision of agreeing to a takeover by another corporation or founding a co-op themselves. Carefully and with a dose of humor, Otero observes the women and men as they consider the advantages and disadvantages of carrying on the company themselves and captures their ambivalent, thoroughly considered reactions to temporary setbacks. She remains firmly in the factory and concentrates on the side of the employees. A lesson in applied labor struggles. (Lina Dinkla)

Director's Biography
MARIANA OTERO, geb. 1963 in Rennes, schloss 1985 ihr Studium in französischer Literatur und Linguistik in Paris VIII ab und begann dann ihre Ausbildung am Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques (IDHEC). Zwischen 1995 und 1999 lebte sie in Portugal, seither wieder in Frankreich.

Filme (Auswahl): Loin de toi (1991, Dok), Cette télévision est la vôtre (1997, Dok), Nous voulons un autre monde (We Want Another World, 2001, Dok), Histoire d‘un secret (History Of A Secret, 2003, Dok; CE 2004), Entre nos mains (Into Our Own Hands, 2010, Dok)
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2011
Mariana Otero
France 2010
88 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Mariana Otero
Cinematography Mariana Otero
Editing Anny Danche
Sound/Sounddesign Pierre Carrasco
Music Fred Fresson
With Ircilia Desroix, Natalie Guérin, Laurent Zidée, Christine Saboureau, Denis Violle, Christian Delpeyrat, Alice Gouveia, Martine Lenoir, Nadine Huguet, Alain Forget, Jaqueline Prévost, Céline Ruet, Isabelle Seguy, Noémia Herrmann, Muriel Plotton
Archipel 33 52 rue Charlot 75003 Paris Frankreich T +33 1 4272 1070 F +33 1 4272 4112 archipel.info@orange.fr www.archipel33.fr