Previously acclaimed for his essayistic documentaries, Philip Scheffner has now ventured into fiction. Zohra, played by Rhim Ibrir, is living in a town in southwestern France. She has a severe case of scoliosis. Volker Sattel’s camerawork examines X-rays, follows Zohra to the hospital and to an indoor swimming pool for rehab. The images are crisp and flooded with summer light, the sense of place and space is so precise that we know each of the bus stops along her way: first Poste, then Piscine, then Europe. When Zohra’s condition improves, her residence permit is not renewed, so she has to go back to Algeria. A fade to black marks a turning point in the story after which the heroine disappears from view. (Berlinale)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Europe (2021) - Havarie (2016, doc) - And-Ek Ghes ... (2016, doc, co-directed with Colorado Velcu) - Revision (2012, doc; CE'13) - Der Tag des Spatzen (2010, doc) - The Halfmoon Files (2007, doc; CE'08)
Europe (2021) - Havarie (2016, doc) - And-Ek Ghes ... (2016, doc, co-directed with Colorado Velcu) - Revision (2012, doc; CE'13) - Der Tag des Spatzen (2010, doc) - The Halfmoon Files (2007, doc; CE'08)
European Panorama Fiction 2022
Philip Scheffner
Germany / France 2021
105 minutes
Arabic / French OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Merle Kröger, Philip Scheffner
Cinematography Volker Sattel
Editing Philip Scheffner
Sound/Sounddesign Tristan Pontécaille, Simon Bastian
With Rhim Ibrir, Thierry Cantin, Didier Cuillierier, Khadra Bekkouche, Nouria Lakhrissi, Sadya Bekkouche
Producer(s) Caroline Kirberg, Merle Kröger, Meike Martens, Thomas Micoulet, Karim Aitouna
pong film, Haut les Mains Productions, Blinker Filmproduktion, rbb, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinéma
World Sales
Square Eyes
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Berlinale 2022