Evropa preko plota
Europe Next Door
Želimir Žilnik‘s new film follows the effects of the Schengen Agreement on the Hungarian-Serbian border over a period from summer 2004 to spring 2005. In the form of a docu-drama he gives Serbian merchants and farmers an opportunity to talk about their experiences and to show how they live and work. ilnik imperturbably shifts the protagonists‘ political protest into view along with arrangements for marriage to obtain the necessary papers.
European Panorama 2006
Želimir Žilnik
Suriname / Montenegro 2005
60 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Želimir Žilnik
Cinematography Miodrag Miloevi, Jovan Milinov
Editing Miodrag Miloevi, Jovan Milinov
Music Miodrag Miloevi, Jovan Milinov
With Roko Babikovi, Suzana Vukovi, Ana Vilov, Slavica Vraari, Istvan Levai, Tereza Cetina
Terra film Futoska 66 21000 Novi Sad Serbien/Montenegro T 1 21 20 992 zilnik@hotmail.com