G_Girls (Ginny)

Ginny is based on the further development of a newspaper story. Four young people, the youngest about 14 years old, threw a cat out of a high rise window – and did so four times, one after another. The film version of Ginny is based on a fictive dialogue between a 14-year-old girl and a psychologist.

Director's Biography
SUSI JIRKUFF, geb. 1966 in Linz, ist bildende Künstlerin. Ihre Arbeiten reflektieren urbane Räume und gesellschaftlich-ökonomische Bedingungen mittels Zeichnung, Animation und Installation. // Filme (Auswahl): G_Girls (Gracie) (2015; CE’16), G_Girls (Ginny) (2015)
Local Artists 2016
Susi Jirkuff
Austria 2015
5 minutes
Verleih in Österreich / Austrian Distribution
Neubaugasse 45/13
1070 Vienna, Austria