Hardly Working

An ethnographic exploration of the realities of non-player characters in video games. Their loops, patterns and bugs paint a vivid analogy for work under capitalism.

Director's Biography
The pseudo-marxist media guerilla Total Refusal explores and practices strategies for artistic intervention in contemporary computer games. They work with tools of appropriation and rededication of game resources. Their films and performances were presented at various festivals. Accolades include the award for Best Austrian Short Documentary at the Diagonale 2020.
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Hardly Working (2022) - Deconstructing the Bridge (2022) - Superwonder (2021) - How to Disappear (2020; CE'20) - Operation Jane Walk (2018)
Local Artists 2023
Total Refusal
Austria 2022
21 minutes
Screenplay Total Refusal
Cinematography Total Refusal
Editing Total Refusal
Sound/Sounddesign Bernhard Zorzi
Music Adrian Haim
Producer(s) Total Refusal
World Sales
Lemonade Films
World Premiere
Locarno Film Festival 2022