
This chained stop-motion animation depicts the biggest nightmares of our modern society about the future in an apocalyptic setting.

Director's Biography
Johannes Huber (*2002, Kempten im Allgäu, Germany) and Kevin La (*2001, Linz) study Media Technology and Design at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus. Together they have realized a number of short films that range from live-action to animation.
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Havoc (2022) - Ab Integro (2022) - Leone (2022) - Stoa (2019)
Local Artists 2023
Johannes Huber, Kevin La
Austria 2022
4 minutes
Editing Johannes Huber, Kevin La
Sound/Sounddesign Johannes Huber, Kevin La
Music Fesliyan Studios, JP Bianchini
Producer(s) Johannes Huber, Marlene Kremsmayr, Kevin La, Isa Pilzer
FH Oberösterreich, Campus Hagenberg
Additional Credits
Marlene, Kremsmayr und Isa, Pilzer
World Premiere
World Premiere
Crossing Europe 2023