

In Istanbul, a day on the verge of a country-wide power surge unfolds with four characters – a mother whose son is in prison, a young woman committed to dancing, a female activist-artist and a cunning middle man – all in a neighbourhood undergoing a process of gentrification for the “New Turkey”. Their stories intertwine along the day up until a drug deal incident, offering a roaring tale of the contemporary generation. Flashing back and forth in time, often replaying scenes from a different perspective, this engaging puzzle outlines a series of vast contrasts and contradictions – a portrait of a society plunged into darkness. (Venice International Film Festival)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Hayaletler (Ghosts, 2020) - Sulukule mon amour (2016, doc short) - Küçük kara baliklar (Little Black Fishes, 2013, short)
Competition Fiction · Crossing Europe VOD 2021
Azra Deniz Okyay
Turkey / France / Qatar 2020
87 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Azra Deniz Okyay
Cinematography Bariş Özbiçer
Editing Ayris Alptekin
Sound/Sounddesign Erman Abaza
Music Ekin Üzeltüzenci
With Nalan Kuruçim, Dilayda Güneş, Beril Kayar, Emrah Özdemir
Producer(s) Dilek Aydın, Marie-Pierre Macia, Claire Gadéa
Heimatlos Films, MPM Film
World Sales
MPM Premium
Austrian Premiere
Austrian Rights
Antiheld Filmverleih
World Premiere
Venice International Film Festival 2020

Crossing Europe VOD-Premiere
06.06. - 06.07.2021, online
More details on the VOD program HERE
(only available for streaming in Austria)