I cinghiali di Portici

Wild Boars of Portici

Director Olivares dryly and neo-realistically sidesteps all the pitfalls that a film about how "sport makes you a better person" would hold. The result is austere, semi-documentary poetry, which tells "staying close to the protagonists" how difficult it is to keep fighting before empty bleachers against habitually losing. (mz)

European Panorama 2005
Diego Olivares
Italy 2003
85 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Diego Olivares
Editing Giuseppe Franchini
Music Zabrinski
With Ninni Bruschetta, Carmine Borrino, Carlo Caracciolo, Vito Colonna, Vincenzo Cambardella, Michele Gente, Salvatore Grasso, Sergio Longobardi
A.S.P. s.r.l.