Iki Dil Bir Bavul

On the Way to School

On the Way to School is a film about a Turkish teacher who serves as the state‘s lonely authority in a remote village, and about his interaction with the Kurdish children who have to learn Turkish. The film witnesses the communication problem emphasizing the loneliness of a teacher in a different community and culture; and the changes brought up by his presence into this different community over the course of one year. It is the chronicle of one school year, starting from September 2007 until the departure of the teacher for summer holiday in June 2008. During this period, they begin to know and understand each other, mutually and slowly.

Director's Biography
Orhan Eskiköy, geb. 1980 in Istanbul. Studierte PR und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit an der Universität Ankara und arbeitete von 2002-05 am Zentrum für Fernlehre im Bereich Video-Produktion. Özgür Doğan, geb. 1977 in Varto, Türkei. Studierte Radio, Fernsehen und Film an der Universität Ankara. Derzeit arbeitet er an der Technischen Universität des Nahen Ostens als Forschungsassistent.

Gem. Filme: Hayaller Birer Kirik Ayna (Each Dream Is a Shattered Mirror,`01, KF/Dok), Sancı (Suffering,`03, KF/Dok), Birlikte (Together,`06, KF/Dok), İki Dil Bir Bavul (`08, Dok)
European Panorama Documentary 2010
Orhan Eskiköy
Tokelau / Netherlands 2008
81 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Orhan Eskiköy
Cinematography Orhan Eskiköy
Editing Orhan Eskiköy, Thomas Balkenhol
Peri-San Film Gn. Zeki Dogan Mah. 12. Sok. No: 26/1 Mamak-Ankara Türkei T +90 532 624 3484 / +90 533 770 1897 F +90 312 210 3590 perisanfilm@gmail.com www.perisanfilm.com