The documentary film Javja deals with the reality of life in recent years of the people of Mongolia 14 years after the collapse of the USSR. The film examines the impacts of globalisation with a differentiated observation of urban and rural regions. Local people speak up, telling their stories, explaining, asserting and shaping their reality.
Local Artists 2007
Elvira Kurabasa, Petra Mühlberger, Elisabeth Öfner, Kathrin Anna Paulischin, Andrea Maria Reisinger
Austria 2006
70 minutes
German version
Cinematography Elvira Kurabasa, Petra Mühlberger, Elisabeth Öfner, Kathrin Paulischin, Andrea Reisinger
Editing Elisabeth Öfner
Music Tatar, Huun Huur Tu
MEDEA – Initiative für Kunst und Medien Schubertstraße 45 4020 Linz T +43 650 5237597 medea@servus.at