
We first see a roundabout in the periphery, controlling the flow of lorries and cars, before the film reaches its actual destination: the „Jobcenter“, a course for unemployed people. How is „success in the job market“ being taught there? The film follows five people who reflect on their situation in the course and then start searching for a new job. (Angela Summereder) Flipcharts, bare conference rooms, training routines. That’s the world Jobcenter takes the viewer into. Trainees, their uncertainty written all over their faces, meet course leaders who always put on a pleasant expression, regardless of how they speak. The job center’s purpose is to equip clients for the employment market, part of which is finding out how they estimate their chances on this market. Their performance can then be optimized. (Gunnar Landsgesell)

Director's Biography
Angela Summereder, geboren 1958 in Ort im Innkreis, Oberösterreich. Studium der Filmregie, Germanistik und Publizistik in Salzburg und Wien. Arbeit als Autorin und Regisseurin, tätig in der Kunstvermittlung und in der Erwachsenenbildung. 1981 dreht und schreibt sie den Spielfilm Zechmeister.

Filme (Auswahl): Blut in der Spur (gemeinsam mit Bady Minck, 1978, KF), Zechmeister (1981), Abendbrot (2008, KF), Jobcenter (2009, Dok)
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2010
Angela Summereder
Austria 2009
80 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Angela Summereder
Cinematography Joerg Burger
Editing Michael Palm
Music Mathias Gruber
Angela Summereder 4974 Ort im Innkreis 59 Österreich T + 43 699 10 727 339