Kleine Schwester

Little Sister

In the course of researching and filming my documentary Achtung Staatsgrenze, I became intensively involved with the theme of deportation detention. Kleine Schwester, however, touches on yet another theme, that of everyday racism. This phenomenon is all the more blatant, the worse the social conditions are, the more people feel existentially threatened, the greater their fears for the future are, and the less they feel "secure". (Sabine Derflinger)

Local Artists 2005
Sabine Derflinger
Germany 2004
88 minutes
German version
Screenplay Nanouk C. Wilmer
Cinematography Bernhard Pötscher
Editing Dora Vajda
Music Peter Valentin
With Benno Fürmann, Maria Simon, Esther Zimmering, Michael Gwisdek, Uwe Kokisch
Colonia Media Filmproduktions GmbH Moltkestraße 131 50674 Köln Deutschland T +49 221 9514040 F +49 221 9514044 coloniamedia@coloniamedia.de www.coloniamedia.de