La Parade (notre histoire)

The Parade (Our History)

La Parade is a very personal documentary. The filmmaker is from this region; many of the protagonists are his friends, and there are echoes of his own coming out in the off-screen commentary. A clever montage constructs episodes from the long period of preparation and recurring set-backs with highlights from the last hours filled with anticipation before the “parade” to form an arch of dramatic tension: whereas the place of assembly was still empty in the rain in the early hours of the morning, the clouds opened up during the day and a growing crowd poured into the narrow streets of Sion. (Cinema, Switzerland)

Director's Biography
Lionel Baier, geboren 1975, dreht seit den Neunziger Jahren Filme und leitet seit 2002 die Filmabteilung der Kunsthochschule ECAL in Lausanne. Gemeinsam mit den befreundeten Regiekollegen Ursula Meier, die in seinen Filmen immer wieder kleinere Rollen spielt, und Jean-Stéphane Bron (Mais im Budeshuus) gilt er als Proponent einer jungen welschschweizer Filmszene. Lionel Baier lebt in Paris.
Tribute 2009
Lionel Baier
Switzerland 2001
81 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Lionel Baier, Laurent Guido
Cinematography Lionel Baier, Sylvie Cachin, Laurent Guido
Editing Christine Hoffet
Music Camille Saint-Saëns
Produzent Robert Boner Koproduktion Télévision Suisse Romande Ciné Manufacture 1 Place Bel-Air 1003 Lausanne Schweiz